Libs. Why do you need a new bill to stop your own stupidity?

Biden and Harris told the illegal invaders to come. Surprise! they did. Duh. So why do we need a new bill to undo your planned invasion? For the first time in history virtually everyone who shows up at the border gets processed in. The border patrol went from border defense to Walmart greeters. For the first time in history virtually all deportations have stopped. Even of violent offenders. Why do you people insist on keeping the world’s rapists and goons in our country? Why did you develop sanctuary cities that protect violent gang members from deportation? What do you owe them? Anyone who claims that Harris/Biden cannot secure our borders without a new bill is either lying or flat out ignorant.

Democrats proposals are similar to an arsonists that joins the fire department.

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Or gays supporting Islam. That’s why it’s a mental illness.

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I think I might have been clear. Arsonists who joins the fire department as in they cause a problem then they call themselves heros when they try and fix it.

Albert Einstein said, “You cannot solve a problem with the same mind that created it.”


What a great quote….

Should be applied to anyone considering voting for Kommie Harris


They could stop it today if they wanted to.

They don’t want to and will not.

Exactly. But I’m glad that he recognized the value of self-defense. Which I am prepared to use. Too many conservatives refuse to fight back.

Libs like to think they’re smartest person in the room…we see it here all the time. Only thing is they create unintended consequences that they cannot fix…or don’t know how too.


Nope. The reason they asked for an invasion, is they wanted one. But it’s Trump’s fault ya know.
:grin: :rofl:

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Libs. Why do you need a new bill to stop your own stupidity?
Because for them everything begins and ends with government action and expanding it’s breadth and scope. They never make mistakes, there are only unforeseeable circumstances that must be corrected for.

Exactly. But in this case government is already doing what is Kamunists want. The bill was a smoke screen.

The building of a southern border wall is so complex…it’s confusing to a Democrat…so…vote Trump.

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It’s not that difficult. They’re building one around the convention. Oh and they’re asking for IDs now. Suddenly they’re n favor of ID’s


I have never supported a border wall, but I also recognize that we don’t need more laws to have a more secure border. The Biden administration basically ignored the problem for years until Democratic mayors started speaking up and polling told them people were angry. So anything I hear from the Harris campaign on this issue is disingenuous, in my opinion.

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Savior complex.


They didn’t ignore it, it was strategy.

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I’m also hearing that they are actually paying some people to attend her rallies. :roll_eyes:

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Everything is Trump’s fault. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Propose a bill, attach a poison pill of allowing in over 4000 illegals per day and the border only closed part of the time, wait for Republicans to reject the bill, blame Republicans for your open border.