Libs trying to out kook everyone else

Yeah they will go off campus for food.

They are idiots for thinking that they are affecting climate or even can affect climate.

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Don’t a lot of campus have contracts National restraint chains? I wonder how that would be handled. Maybe this one does not.

It’s in England. All colleges are funded by the govt, so they don’t have that problem.

“It’s not easy being green.” - Kermit

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Yes. And Kent is not an isolated case. From the article:

The move follows students at Stirling, Cambridge, Birmingham, University College London, Queen Mary University of London, and London Metropolitan, who have also voted for vegan catering on their campuses.

I have found the problem with racism! It’s white people!

So race is a social construct. Races do not exist. And white people are racist by inherent nature.

If you are going to be racist, at least try to be consistent.


Now you’re getting CRT.

Food covered by healthcare?

People like this need to be shaken violently then slapped.

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Imagine being somewhere and this person begins spouting their gibberish about the benefits of a vegan diet. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Daddy got freebies. Elections are coming.

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Good Lord.

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Animal paw transplants for furries?

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From the article:

“I rarely tell my friends because I am afraid they will think I am weird,’ he said in a separate interview with the Mirror. “My friends and family seemed very surprised to learn I became an animal.”

Huh. Ya think?

It’s the full package of “defund the police” and enviro-wackism.

BIPOC is now B-POC :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: