Libs trying to out kook everyone else

Considering Asians are now white supremacists, I could see an Hispanic having ‘White Privilege’. :rofl:


Why is the stripper talking?

So we should ask before we use the term breastfeeding to be all inclusive now too huh?

It's time to add “chestfeeding” to your vocabulary - Today's Parent.

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How can this all be serious?

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She should have been hung 50 years ago.

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Exercise and fitness is now White Supremacy.

I couldn’t make this up if I tried. :rofl:

I always thought it was the other way around. :thinking:

College professor.

More like college indoctrinater.


Turns out all me may need to stop global warming is a metric button of Super-Duper White Paint.

I’m in! :rofl:

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This scared baby carrot hugging his mom about to be eaten by a heartless vegan



Actually, that appears to be its daddy. :wink:

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That will be a boon for every fast-food joint within a mile or so of campus. :wink:


Brain washed lunatics.

I have to wonder how much of this nonsense will lead to eating disorders.