Libs/Authoritarians great leap forward

The dumpster fires have all been set by Antifa. Your news sources should have told you that.

What sources?

we must become Authoritarian to stop the Authoritarians.

And you’re going to get same answer every time.

Now are we going to discuss libs/authoritarian great leap forward or how they’re using anarchy to achieve total power?

Cuz cons need a taste of their own medicine.

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when are the Liberals going to suspend Congress and install a King?

Cuz cons need a taste of their own medicine.

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Well at least you are being honest… now :wink:

Sure, it garbage. It isn’t happening.

Protesting isn’t a display of authoritarianism.

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Right…Blacks are being used like a throw away tool.

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I think my vid made it clear precisely what’s happening. Libs trying to set up oligarch.

Yep. Because there is a big untapped source of votes in the illegals. As blacks become educated, more and more are running away from the… Democrats.

America is already an Oligarch.

Lol. This already exists. It’s all that can exist with a donor/lobbyist beholden 2 party system.


Looks like they were successful.

Its not the Gilded age but your getting close.

These political cartoons are from the 1800’s.

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Anarchy. mobs, looting and riots are libs induced so they can say only they can bring and end to this anarchy. Then libs will rule with iron fist, destroy or freedoms…our Constitutional Republic. They will never again allow someone without their blessing to gain power ever again.

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so Republican don’t want to end this Anarchy?

So, conservatives were looting, rioting, and burning down US businesses, graffitiing, vandalising and killing in 2016 to create the problems Trump was going to fix?