Liberal College Professor recommends Biden "Declare War" on Republicans

So basically, the more the right wins at the state level (where the real power belongs), the more extreme the left in academia get (where the real grooming happens).

That’ll be worth a squirt.



ah but 20 yrs ago there was no woke yet. they rode whatever wave of leftism was swelling at the time

This story is interesting on a couple of levels. She’s smart when she talks about “an enemy”. It’s what the Arabs and Persians do, it’s what the Nazis and Franco’s fascists did.

Pick out a group and call them an enemy. Focus everyone on them so no one looks at what you’re doing.

She’s a history professor at Boston College. Used to be at MIT and Amhurst. Another product of Hahvad.

She’s obviously brilliant. I think I might like her Death of Reconstruction…

The development of a true consciousness is still the professional function of the universities.
Marcuse, Essay on Liberation

Sorry, that’s incorrect.

you better be!

how so?

Critical conscious has been around since Marx. Woke is just AAVE slang for it.

Of course there was. It used to be called pc and back then was why cant i call someone a ■■■ or how many n words there are in a rap song.

No. “Woke” and “PC” are not at all the same thing. “PC” is repressive tolerance.

“Woke” is not a pejorative to the actual Woke or Woke Adjacent™

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Pc culture woke culture.

Part of wokeness is wording. Pronouns are pc

They are not the same. They do share similarities

:popcorn: Class is in session.

Too bad it’s stuck on the same recording :grin:

PC is a white thing.

eh i dunno about that. the PC nonsense but twitter social site “wokie” is a new level. by at least “a hole nuther”order of magnitude

there were no page filled charts of new genders and inane gibberish pronouns yet. not like now. not quite the hyper-sensitivity to race either.

atlantic, economist, new yorker and other self-fart sniffing douchy rags were just as insufferably left then

Yes. Wokeness is headed there too. At ludicrous speed

Th[quote=“thinkingman, post:93, topic:240805, full:true”]

eh i dunno about that. the PC nonsense but twitter social site “wokie” is a new level. by at least “a hole nuther”order of magnitude

there were no page filled charts of new genders and inane gibberish pronouns yet. not like now. not quite the hyper-sensitivity to race either.

atlantic, economist, new yorker and other self-fart sniffing douchy rags were just as insufferably left then

When the heck was the economist left?

i just made a similar point

“woke” is a new level of hyper-sensitivity

no where near same.

Critical consciousness is a Marxist driven thing.

Yes the pendulum has swung too far

Balderdash! The immiseration is not half over.

They know we are coming for their jobs, republican states are remembering they fund their salaries and universities.