Lib Santa brings tears

Don’t you get me started.

You might like what I have to say. :rofl:

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Admit that Political Correctness was a huge mistake and quit doing it.


So are you saying that you didn’t turn out fine? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are you new here? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Not surprised you can’t tell the difference.

BTW, a great way to deal with a kid wanting something he can’t get at the moment is to take a picture of him holding it in the store aisle so you can remember something he’s asking for.

99% of the time that will satisfy the kid in the moment.

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Pretty crappy thing to say.


The whole point of going to Santa in a store is for the kid to ask for his favorite wish-list item.

(And for far too many parents, to overpay for the in-store photo of the kid with Santa. … Boy did this mother get the photo op of a lifetime!)

Maybe the Grinch-ism from our resident libs indicates some childhood Santa trauma or something. It would certainly explain some things…

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Many years ago, my parents decided to have a no toy guns Christmas. Well, Christmas morning rolls around and my brother and I opened our gifts, didn’t really notice the lack. Then the upstairs neighbor comes down and explains that Santa accidentally left something for us up at their house. It was a four foot long plastic cannon, that shot plastic balls (spring mechanism). We had a great time. Broke the carraiage before dinner, but had great fun with it, even after that broke.

So much for no gun Christmas.

When bullets won’t do, ordnance comes through.

Difference? Are you kidding me?

Santa made a kid cry by telling him ‘no’. He didn’t call him stupid or anything else (which would be verbal abuse), and he sure as hell didn’t hit the kid or cause any other physical harm (which is physical abuse).

Making a kid cry because you told him no guns may be the most stupid thing a mall Santa can do, but it’s not abuse. Not even close.

I mean…I can kind of understand. My twin brother, older brother, and their friends would have Nerf wars all the time. I would get pelted by air darts either deliberately or with friendly fire.

Maybe Santa got pelted with an air dart. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m more of a Laser Tag person myself.

Although when I saw commercials for Nerf guns (or their cross bow and regular bow) I was tempted to ask for one. But then my brothers would never want to do a Nerf war with me. Because I was a girl.

Boys are weird.

No, I think he was dropped on his head one too many times.

Either that, or mommy drank scotch every night while pregnant.

What he did was mind numbingly stupid even for a ‘Woke Santa’.

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Air darts aren’t that dense or heavy.

I’ve been hit in the head with one of those metal magnetic beads (because my twin brother’s friend Dillion was an ■■■■■■■■ and nerfor darts didn’t hurt half as much.

lmao I have been hit by much worse than air darts.

Yes…cats are worst.

I remember one of my older brother beat me up…was about 8 or 9. As he was walking away laughing I thrown a cat on his back. :crazy_face:

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Your questions are telling.

Sad, really.