Lib privilege in action

You ever wonder why lawyers almost always refuse to take the Breathalyzer? Almost like they know something we don’t.


If only the feds wrote better regulations he would have been required to blow


Feds have nothing to do with lib privilege.

Where was he prosecuted what court?

Try again

Why do you think junior is raising a stink under a dem president

Yeah, like they know judges. Or at least someone who does.

Don’t know…but that doesn’t change the fact that lib privilege exist.

They know how the law works.

May be. Not in this instance or at least it wasn’t lib privilege that prevented him from having to blow

Lol no. Drunk driving is a automatic suspension of your license to practice law in many states

Well this was federal, but there is no advantage legally to pulling that in most states, the refusal alone will bite you in the ass.

He was driving an Olds? :wink:

Interesting theory lib. Are you one of those that people must prove their innocents?

I understand many on hard left believe that’s Constitutional.

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Unless it was hours… it wouldn’t matter

And people know faux rage when they see it.

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Is Donald Trump Junior stating that if this had been Ted Nugent, he would have had the book thrown at him?

I’d like to see the evidence of that.

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And people know a lib when they see one.

And since we don’t know, it may have been. Does it not strike you as odd that no story tells us what time he finally agreed to blow?

Bruce is rich and famous…and this happened in his home state of New Jersey.

Occam’s Razor as to why he got off.

Sorry OPer…of Trump’s idea…that dog won’t hunt.


Not according to the CFR.

(c) Tests.

(1) At the request or direction of an authorized person who has probable cause to believe that an operator of a motor vehicle within a park area has violated a provision of paragraph (a) of this section, the operator shall submit to one or more tests of the breath, saliva, or urine for the purpose of determining blood alcohol and drug content.

(2) Refusal by an operator to submit to a test under paragraph (c)(1) is prohibited and proof of refusal may be admissible in any related judicial proceeding.

Under the laws of the National Park Service, DUI is classified as a Class B misdemeanor. Such an offense is punishable by up to six months in jail time, penalties of up to $5000 and a probation not exceeding 5 years from the date of conviction. A blood alcohol test is mandatory and you cannot choose between any methods of administration. Failure or refusal to submit to such testing constitutes a criminal offense.

Well, I can’t find that info in any article, but the park police watched him take the shot.

Assuming a standard metabolism, about 3 hours to get from .08 to .02. So, that clock started ticking immediately.