Lib privilege in action

In most states, isn’t refusing the test an automatic DUI? Just looked it up, just refusing period is a charge that pretty much carries the same penalties as DWI.


Does it matter pursuant to the law of where he was prosecuted?

Yes…and lic suspended.

Yes it is

Is it in this instance?

It’s not.

What court was he prosecuted in?

What law?

What’s CFR?

Can’t say I ever met a cop that would watch a guy down two shots of tequila and get behind the wheel either and that happened after he already failed the field tests and refuse to blow? That is some kind of privilege alright.


It not being ignored

He is not required to

There is a reason why and not because he is white

He still have the refusal charge? If so, no foul because it is pretty similar penalties.

He was not required to blow…

He is not required to blow in thi instance

There is a reason

You guys are getting taken for a ride by jr

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In my state its 1 year license suspension for refusal to blow.

Don’t be coy, what is this mysterious reason?

He wasn’t prosecuted in your state.

He wasn’t prosecuted in any “state”

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Lib privilege…get use too it.

I am not being coy

I already pointed people in the right direction.

He wasn’t being prosecuted pursuant to state law.

The lib privilege of only being at a quarter of the legal limit for a DUI. Lol


You of all people complaining about absence of federal regulation without realizing it is precious


So, apparently you know how long it was between his first refusal and when he blew?

The first refusal is legal

Not even no technically legal.

Just legal…

I know lib privilege when I see it.