LEVIN ON HANNITY: The Media Considers All Trump Supporters ‘Nazis, Racists, White Supremacists’ | Sean Hannity

National radio host Mark Levin stopped by ‘Hannity’ Thursday night to weigh-in on the 2018 midterm elections; saying it’s time for the people to stand up to the “media, Hollywood, Democrats, and academia.”

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.hannity.com//media-room/levin-on-hannity-the-media-considers-all-trump-supporters-nazis-racists-white-supremacists/?fbclid=IwAR37YttTLXgJaZQfeUNK6UnPC32PXnupgUSFBtiwCHXuGs2dygkC-sstjRU