Well, to be fair, he’s not an ex-president like Jimmy Carter or George H. W. Bush, or Barack Obama or George W. Bush.

Instead, the shiny orange man is a former president who refuses to concede his loss; remains the strongest force and biggest kingmaker in the Republican Party; is the frontrunner for 2024; ■■■■■■ the peaceful transfer of power while his supporters cheered and rioted; literally has—and encourages—an insane death-cult following, which believes that he is fighting a cabal of blood-drinking satanic globalists and includes the wife of a sitting Supreme Court Justice; inexplicably absconded with thousands(?) of government documents that he lied about declassifying, among his other various and cute eccentricities.

He’s probably going to stay news for a while.

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Yaboi is campaigning now.

Lord he plays ya’ll like a fiddle. If you ignored him he would have significantly less impact.


It’s funny you say that. In the abstract, it’s rational position. I wish you were right. Some people get energy from toxic conflict, political and otherwise; I do not. The problem is: it’s 2022. It doesn’t hold up as a thesis. Ironically, the Serious People in the media initially took your view of Trump back in 2015-2016, relegating him to celebrity gossip or whatever. Boy, I wished that would have worked.

Just ignore him. LOL. I thought we could ignore Qanon (like this board does) and it would go away; instead, Trump is openly using their catchphrases and re-“truthing” them on his social media site. Ignore the birth certificate stuff. LOL. That led to one of my favorite pieces of data ever, which did so much to explain the Republican party: when Obama finally released his long-forml birth certificate they’d been clamoring for, the number of Republicans who thought it was fake . . . increased. :slight_smile:

Except they didn’t ignore him. They lampooned him, giving him a higher profile and a stage. He built his persona off their dismissive insults. He still does it now, and the left just can’t let go.


Maybe politics doesn’t work without a boogeyman

LOL. Oh yeah. Trump’s exit from the White House and post-presidency and Obama’s exit from the White House and post-presidency. Who can tell the difference? That both-siderism needs some help stiffening up.

Pretty much agree with e7alr……

If you edited out “Orange man” and “Trump”, it would be an article about what every politician does every election.

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Glad we could agree.

Trump isn’t some “politician.” He isn’t a politician. He’s (uniquely) an ex–president who lost an election, refused to concede, and, in clear view everyone, interfered with the peaceful transfer of power. Now, in a midterm election in which he’s not running, he may challenge election results because (checks notes) the final tally of votes isn’t in by 11:00 or so. If you think this is normal, I won’t try to convince you that it isn’t.

you sound like it’s 2015 all over again.

it’s a long way till 2024. stop looking at rolling stone. youre too smart for that

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how did he do that?

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Now you did it. Next we will hear a many post, detailed recap of the Jan 6 Committee to date. I’m starting to think he built a virtual Trump Tower in each of their minds.


And his grip on the party is unprecedented. There isn’t an ex president in history that had so much influence from federal down to local elections. And it doesn’t have to be direct influence; they often just need to invoke his name and deny the election.

He is that ex you just can’t stay away from.

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haha… i bet

but you know, they just blithely repeat what the joke of a committee sought to make people think. just in case it didnt reach an idiot or two. they know what theyre doing

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Why are you trying to gaslight us? It’s clearly stupid and ineffective, yet you continue to try. Why is that?

And in other news: Al Gore might run again and challenge the results of the legal election……

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It’s an Orange Man thread. Your side’s fixation with the Orange Man is pathological. He is the bright colorful object your side is trying to keep the base focused on. Pointing that out is fair game. I actually hope your side keeps it up all the way to the 2024 election.

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Psycho-obsessive tantrums veiled in sarcasm. How original. :rofl:
