Let's Talk About Changes to Policing

Seat belts on motorcycles would be the antithesis of safety.

The cops don’t give tickets because they are concerned about safety, they give tickets because some lawmakers decided to make certain behavior illegal, often citing safety as their reason for doing so.

Motorcycle cops are the antithithisthisthis of safety. :stuck_out_tongue:


This has to be fake


I hadn’t heard about this one. 1.6 seconds :flushed:

I have seen that video.

That cop is man baby and has no business being a policeman.


Boy that’s a ton of restraint.

End sarcasm.

This is a long one so I understand if people don’t watch it… but it is fascinating.

Two drunk off duty ATF/DEA Illegally detain and assault a US Citizen in a bar in Hinckley OH because they didn’t believe his story that he was born in Eritrea… one of the HSI guys that he said he heard that he was from Israel… and is Citizen living in Texas doing long haul trucking and was in town to make a delivery the next morning.

They then assault him and wrestle him to the ground until the police arrive because as one of the Homeland Security guys says " I don’t want him blowing up a mall or something"

The video is interesting in that you can see the police officers slowly realized that these two guys ■■■■■■ up big time… are super racist and simply assaulted a guy based on vibes.

These two guys have no business being law enforcement.

I am going to keep watching the video but i have a very important question - why is the narrative voiced by the law and order intro voice and how do i hire that guy to record voice overs for birthday videos? :upside_down_face:

Ok back to the crazy video

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What I don’t understand is why cops have a less restrictive ROE than soldiers did in Iraq and Afghanistan. If they even think they see a gun they are fully justified in gunning someone down. In Iraq, guys were forced to wait until they heard bullets whizzing around them before they could shoot back in most cases.

That makes no sense to me. If anything the ROE should be higher for cops than for soldiers.

I’m good with 1, 3, 5 and 6. Since there is no such thing as a hate crime against Jews, disorderly conduct may be all we have to charge these goons with. That needs to stay.

This is a tough one


13-year-old killed by police after officers say teen fled and pointed replica handgun at them

4 times. His supervisor should be indicted.


“Limited value” “Write a check”


I wonder what he thinks the value of his life is.

“A regular person”-as opposed to…?

This is perhaps the most egregious example of a cop outright murdering someone for no reason.

Thankfully he is charged and facing trial.


That was disgusting to watch. Those officers should fry.

Why were they hanging around after they determined there was no intruder? Seems like they were loaded for bear and didn’t want to go home empty handed.

A “reasonable mistake.” Deprived of her freedom for two weeks. The agents of the state had fingerprints to compare.

Not even an apology.

Not a police state.

The cops are trained that if somebody points a firearm at them, they are allowed to use deadly force. I don’t know how to change that without resulting in more dead officers.

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Tactical call outs.