Let's Talk About Changes to Policing

Well, this is a new twist…

You have review boards, that’s fine, but it’s got to be done in ways where you have the Sheriff or Chief of Police appointing people,” the governor said. “It can’t be people that have an agenda.”

A perfectly wrong policy.

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I agree with you.

I agree it shouldn’t be people who have an agenda. However having the police chief or sheriff appoint them is putting the canary in charge of the coal mine. I get so tired of police saying they made a split second decision and you are not qualified to judge that. There are thousands of people in jail because of bad split second decisions that that they judged.


Great point.

The Scottie Sheffler debacle has been absolute gold for this thread

Top golfer in the world. Doofy white guy trying to enter the pga tour. There is a fatal accident up ahead. He tries to go around.

There are cops on foot directing traffic. Cop tries to pull him over on foot

It’s raining it’s not great whether.

The guy keeps driving. Cop says he was dragged by the car and arrests him for assaulting an officer. Among other things

The video comes out

One of the videos released by LMPD appears to show Scheffler’s SUV turning into the golf club entrance, prompting an officer to run toward the vehicle and seemingly strike it as it comes to a stop.

So the cop ran into the side of the vehicle and then arrested the guy for assault him with said vehicle. Gold. 24k gold. @SixFoot. Just referencing you cuz you’ll love this story.


I’ve always believed that cops are people whose lives peaked in High School.

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There is a certain je ne varsity blues about them

Holy crap. :rofl:

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They’re the kids that used to toss the Nintendo 64 out the window when you beat them at Goldeneye.

That’s cuz they were on fire :joy:

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Cops aren’t nearly as big of a problem as Soros Backed DA’s.

This is a wild one. Cops psychologically tortured a man into confessing to the murder of his father. Funny thing though, the father was found alive a few hours later. Whoops!

Perez had told police that his father, 71-year-old Thomas Perez Sr., went out for a walk with the family dog at about 10 p.m. on Aug. 7, 2018. The dog returned within minutes without Perez’s father. Investigators didn’t believe his story, and over the next 17 hours they grilled him to try to get to the “truth.”

According to court records, detectives told Perez that his father was dead, that they had recovered his body and it now “wore a toe tag at the morgue.” They said they had evidence that Perez killed his father and that he should just admit it, records show.

But later that day, the truth derailed the detectives’ theory and their prized confession.

Perez’s father wasn’t dead — or even missing. Thomas Sr. was at Los Angeles International Airport waiting for a flight to see his daughter in Northern California. But police didn’t immediately tell Perez.

Good example of another thing that needs to change. Why is is acceptable for an agent of the state to lie to a citizen while in an official capacity? Yet lock us up for lying to them?

Every one of those cops should be locked up.


That story reminds me of the how the Khmer Rouge administered “justice.”

We have given up so much for the illusion of order. And now we do it for the illusion of prosperty.

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And of course all three cops are still working and one retired i am sure with full benefits.

“They are just doing their job”


“Protecting and serving”


Judge Carlton Reeves has the biggest clue as to how to change policing for the better, by making it easier to bring bad cops to justice.