Let's not forget why trump was elected

deficit spending. The ■■■■ with this lack of being able to edit.

Borders will always be opened…
planes, trains and automobiles…


First, you are wrong about Iran. Second, nice excuse about job growth. Third, way to ignore the exploding deficit that you cared so very much about for 8 years. And the blatant use of government power to enrich himself…

Lord knows that could be used for US citizens…

Except Trump didn’t need 4.5 trillion in QE spending to pull it off.

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Ummm… I voted for Trump for two main reasons, both of which he delivered on.

  1. Gorsuch
  2. Poking proglibs in the collective eye.

How much he plays golf never entered into my decision. Has the narrative got this wrong? I think so. Maybe it’s time to step outside the hive.

  1. done.
  2. has backfired…
    Continue your aid and abet…

We’ll see, little pup.

Trump didn’t inherit a massive recession.

That this is having to be stated is pretty hilarious.

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that was very creepy…

Lol, Obama inherited an economy in free fall. The Fed helped stabilize it. Trump inherited an economy running well, and decided to blast a massive hole in the budget because reasons.

Because, good reasons, were were hemorrhaging companies because our corporate rate wasn’t competitive. And the personal cuts spiked consumer confidence and spending nicely. That is a temporary hole in the budget that will be filled and then some.

Slowest recovery in modern history, bravo Obama.

Yes, we were hemorrhaging companies. Just look at the skyrocketing unemployment rate in 2016. It was a disaster! We needed to put a stop to it. Total and complete shutdown on corporate taxes until someone figures out what the hell is going on around here.

How many times do you supply siders need to torch the tax base before you get it through your thick skulls that it doesn’t work?


So you voted for Trump for a supreme court justice and to be a dick?

Well. Good job on the later.

Getting creepier…

No, it won’t. Not with the impending entitlement bomb.

We just need to give a little bit more money to the top echelon of society to prevent the entitlement bomb. And hell, if that doesn’t work then we can always cut entitlements.

win win.

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10 char

Elected because white women didn’t like Hillary