Let us be clear. President Trump cannot shut down the federal government!

When you stop deflecting with whataboutery, i will happily add to it.

I see you still have nothing productive to add to the discussion concerning Presidential powers.


President Trump, by the terms of our Constitution, is empowered “To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions”.

I wonder if Trump is going to shut down the government again or agree to the deal.

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Neither did you when you deflected to Pelosi out of the blue. When someone deflects, i refuse to engage further as it is way too common on this forum and it is rather annoying.

I see you still have nothing productive to add to the discussion concerning Presidential powers.


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s socialism will promise food on the table, free public housing, health care for all, free college tuition, and other niceties by taxing the so called rich; and if by chance her leadership gains control because of such promises made, the end result, as John Adams stated, “will be revengeful, bloody, and cruel”

This thread is a train wreck. Can we just let it die?

Trump started the shut down.

Trump ended the shut down.

If even Trump is smart and honest enough to admit what happened, why can’t everyone else?


Illegal immigration is now costing American citizens over $18 billion a year in healthcare costs alone, far more than the cost of building a wall!

If building the wall was/is a disaster, then, isn’t that the Democrats trump in 2020, but this observer thinks they know better.

I have no idea what message you were trying to convey.


There is no surer way to weaken, subdue, demoralize and then conquer a prosperous and freedom loving people than by allowing and encouraging the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, criminal and diseased populations of other countries to invade that country, and make the country’s existing citizens tax-slaves to support the economic needs of such invaders.

There’s free link, and welfare that the Democratic Politicians give
to the illegals also.

I wonder how much the American tax payer is paying the Illegals
per year for those things as well?

Let me rephrase that.
The Democrat Politicians are stealing the American peoples money,
and giving it freely while screwing Americans out of their
hard worked money to Illegals.

I am so tired of this border discussion. I am Canadian and have spent so much time over the last two years helping American Citizens settle down in their new country, Canada. You know, people like Rosie O’Donnel, Baldwin, DiNero…They were so quick to promise to emigrate here, if Trump won. Right! What a bunch of obtuse people these Hollywood types are. Even in my 3 piece suit and tie and my 32 year career record and my Doctor’s certificate of good health, I need a Passport and about three years of application time for the USA to allow me a green card and then, perhaps, citizenship.

But, for a one way ticket to Mexico, I could walk through the border (at least where no wall exists) and enter the USA illegally. If I can do that why not people from other countries, maybe Iran, Russia, Yemen, Somalia et al?

Dems. be careful what schemes you are plotting. No looking back once started.

I do think that it’s a bit hypocritical when the Democrats try to
call Republicans whinners, because the Democratic Politicians
are known to talk about their feelings a lot, and how things
aren’t fair and equal all of the time.

Just saying.