Let my people go (to the park)

We could have used that chill imho a few weeks ago now I have Chaz/Chop down the street and hardily any of them are wearing masks or social distancing. There obviously seems to be one rule for one group and a different rule for another. It’s not being hidden either.

Just the perennial boogeyman. He doesn’t you are right. I added out of snark. You guys are so very wrong about this being anti Semitic targeting because most of you don’t even know what the Hasidic Jews are

Oh and then cutting locks wasn’t a peaceful protest it was Hasidic Jews being Hasidic Jews.

You are comparing what is going on way across the country on your side of the world to some Orthodox and Hasidics wanting to be in playgrounds a half a week earlier than scheduled.

At least make comparisons of things that are like each other.

Similar reports have appeared in the US about COVID-19 targeting black communities.

Why is de Blasio singling out Orthodox Jews for special attention?

Playgrounds in the city opened up outside of the Orthodox areas?

Hasidic Jews usually have big families with lots of children. Closing playgrounds is a bigger deal for their communities.

If the concern is really about “no one is above the law”, then why BLM gatherings and violations of the law allowed without similar response from the mayor?

Are those gatherings happening in the playgrounds?

Dude… this is political fluff that is being ginned up to attack a terrible mayor that no one likes.

Don’t fall for it.

The same parks that were the site of crowded protests are still closed to children and families:

Rich families with one or two kids can go out of the city to enjoy fresh air. Hasidic families have usually have several kids and can’t afford to leave the city.

I laughed when they had a picture of a playground in the east 70’s… no where near the orthoodox neighborhoods locked.

I stopped when he said something about parks and transgender rights rally and how that is something like playgrounds.

I can only assume he is speaking of the transgender rights protest that happened in front of the Brooklyn Museum. That is not a park. That is open to the Eastern Parkway which was shut down by the protest.

He is making a false comparison.

Even if he was talking about parks, the parks were open. The closest park is Prospect Park, which hasn’t closed but the playgrounds inside of had been.

free stuff

If the issue is avoiding disease, then why is the city allowing enormous crowds packed together while closing playgrounds and parks for other activities?

At least one park in Brooklyn will not open until July:

I don’t think that it isn’t that they “allow” it… it is that they can no longer prevent the protests. The public will for the police to crack the heads of the peaceful protestors is just not there.

50 Kent Ave park? Man… that is like a superfund brownfield that they try to pass off as a park.

The Bushwick inlet park right next door is open already. Go there… it is much nicer.

Or Transmitter Park… smaller… but cute.

Because they illegally cut locks on a playground. The same playgrounds are locked throughout the city

I agree 100%

Your all over the place from Soros to my knowledge of the Hasidic Jews (Which you don’t know my knowledge on the matter) but still even if I was ignorant in the matter one could still see how the mayor treated the protestors compared to the Jews.

We have seen the peaceful protests in New York

I’m not in the least bit worried about the Hasidic Jews they are not hurting anyone, burning down businesses, looting, injuring 700+ police men. The mayors double standards are obvious on the way the protestors were treated and the way the Jews are being treated, and no manner of ones level of mental gymnastics is going to change anyone’s opinion.

The soros thing was a snarky remark i already said that. I am not sure how to make any clearer.

The protestors are being dragged and arrested. Hasidic Jews not so much. You are angry about protests be angry. It’s not the like the people who are causing damage aren’t actively being arrested. But you are conflating two disparate issues. I wonder why.

By the way i didn’t say you didn’t know i said most of you don’t know. I have no idea what you know and don’t.

Wow locks on playgrounds?
What a weird message to be sending children, when they clearly see for themselves everyone everywhere; the adults, running around all over the place acting like total morons, on all sides.
God will they hate us all when we are old.

According to Di Blasio looting and ransacking in large numbers in the name of BLM is ok, but Jewish kids playing in the park not so much.

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