Lesson time: "You're all a bunch of leftists!"

30 whole years old and already sick of … … …

Anyway, welcome to male pattern baldness. Finasteride is great for regrowing hair and keeping the DHT at bay. :rofl:


Force is unavoidable. Every ideology must resort to it. No ideology is “voluntary”. So, if there’s a flaw here, then everyone is guilty of it.

Anyway, talk about “the common good” isn’t restricted to resources. It also applies to things where “taking” doesn’t apply.

When it is giving to the person to whom the thing belongs, then it is virtuous. Sidesteps that dumb charity canard.

Ha! I ain’t that old.

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Not true.

Such as?

Might be ■■■■ like abolishing no-fault divorce, restrictions on pornography, harsher criminal penalties, safety laws, tariffs to reinvigorate American production, historical preservation laws, repealing the CRA’s guaranteed rights, abolishing slavery, etc.

Though none of this is to say that the common good is the only conceivable basis for these things.

The people who believe that just call their force “defensive” or something equally slippery.



Taoism is a good example. No force.

Funny! Taoists supported welfare.

Have a good evening.

Chat with you tomorrow, Sneaky.

Try to keep it that way. Taking politics too seriously will age you like your rickety lib comrades. They were well into their 60’s and single by the time they even knew it. :rofl:

That’s why the best politics are fictional politic debates deep in the recesses of the Gundam Reddit.

Zeon did nothing wrong.


Oh, I’m not taking it too seriously. Trump was almost assassinated and I barely care about these events anymore. Nothing’s going to change.