Lend Lease passes and will become Law


Arguing that South Carolina had a right to self determination.

I’m not arguing that at all. South Carolina did self-determine. Just like Ukraine. Then there was a war fought to force the wayward state back into the union. Just like…

Ukraine “left” the USSR 31 years ago. Should Texas be made to return to Mexico?

Now you’re thinking! Sort of. How much time is enough and who decides? Who is trying to force Ukraine back into the union? Just Russia?

Texas defeated Mexico. Mexico tried several times and finally gave up. Texas joined the United States. And then rejoined after a war to force it back. Has Mexico tried again? Not counting illegals of course.

Is there a chance, however small, Mexico could try again?

The point is it’s not different materially. There are some differences - the time for example.

It’s the hypocrisy for me.

I thought progs were supposed to be empathetic?




The casual observer looking from afar would think that NATO defeated the USSR and absorbed the majority of its satellite countries and is moving in for the final kill.

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Or an objective observer.

Yes sadly the GOP as well has reverted back to the ghost of McCain as well as all his hawkishness.

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Most of it never left.

Is the travel of the Speaker of the US House yet another escalation?

Now we’re talking!

Isn’t that NATOs job?

Finland has the right to be allowed into NATO. :rofl:

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They don’t have a right to join, but they have the right to ask. All autonomous countries have the right of self-determination. Even Russia has a right to ask …

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The story goes that Putin asked W

Yes, as would be the case for Sweden. But that fact does not change the reality that while they have the right to apply, they do not have the right to be accepted.

Why are we© even arguing this point?


They will ask…and they will be accepted. Soon. Because they dont want what happened to Ukraine to happen to them.


Acceptance to NATO requires unanimous consent by member Countries. Acceptance is not a foregone conclusion. Even one “who” is enough to stop them.