Leftist Answer to Everything: Socialism

Americans who are in love with the programs of other countries are free to move there…


And where does the GOVERNMENT of Finland get it’s money? From the heavily taxed citizens who work for CAPITALIST companies, which are likewise heavily taxed. What Americans who support socialism are supporting is heavily taxed nanny state Capitalism.

What American idiots who support socialism don’t understand is that Socialism does not, and can not exist anywhere except as a theory in books. The closer any country tries to achieve text book Socialism, the more and more totalitarian they become. People are NOT going to work for free unless they’re forced too.


That’s not really a good response to anyone nor is it a counterargument.

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I remember the reason for the Berlin wall


I remember people being shot trying to escape TO Socialism…er… no wait, that’s not right… yeah, now I remember, they were shot trying to LEAVE Socialism. (Communism, whatever you want to call it, big government control)


Honestly, I remember the disparity in East Germany when the wall fell. We drove there and did a lot of exploring and the difference was stunning. I wish everyone could see the difference. . . oh wait, they can:



First, a lot of Finns work for the government or government owned companies.

Second, Finns do pay high taxes but they receive generous benefits from the government and I doubt any would trade what they have there with what we have here. When one factors in the cost of private healthcare insurance, childcare and education the amount of taxes paid in Finland aren’t that very different from what we pay here.

Besides, who is calling for “text book” socialism? Most left leaning Americans aren’t.

Got one of Finland?

Sounds like a broad brush. Have examples?

Yeah, would be another example of a capitalist nation to contrast with socialist failures. We have more than 100 years of examples, why we’re insisting on going back down that path is mind boggling to me.


It really does if you’re one of the 1 million people that were killed by a Western backed ‘anti-communist’.

Which is not what socialism is.

As compared to the 100,000,000+ killed by Communists… Nice.


Well, sure. But my original point is that it depends on where you’re from.

If I understand you correctly I think that you’re saying Finland is a “capitalist” nation and you like capitalism, right?. If so, you must be OK with Finland’s system.

Glad to hear it.

I don’t think it does. You responded to my statement:

It doesn’t matter what side of the fence you stand on, capitalism is still the better system. We have plenty of evidence to back that up. Say you’re in Nazi Germany and millions die fighting capitalist countries… is that the fault of capitalism or is that the fault of Hitler? Again, Capitalism isn’t perfect and we’ve had our share of terrible leaders that have pulled us into wars we probably shouldn’t have been in but that doesn’t mean capitalism isn’t superior to socialism in every case. Even at the extremes, it’s better… Few want pure capitalism where there’s no regulations but I think anarchy would result in less deaths than were carried out by Stalin or Mao. To me, the sweet spot is late 1800’s America. Government spends between 3 to 5% of the national income, upward mobility was the best it’s ever been in world history and our economic growth took us to the top of the world in very short order. There was certainly room for improvement and there were glaring holes we hadn’t plugged yet, but at this point, we’ve crossed way too many lines. I want to prevent monopolies but I don’t want to allow corporations to petition the government for regulations that put their competition out of business. Today, we’ve perverted capitalism so badly that we’re headed down a path to destruction.

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You all have a serious problem reading. I think you missed where I said they’re a capitalist nation with an out of control “safety net”. No, I wouldn’t choose to move there. Their government spends FAR too much money as a % of the national income. Ours is nearly as bad but I see no where to go that beats the US as of now. If we put people like AOC in charge, I’ll probably end up retiring somewhere else because nonsense like the Green New Deal will end this nation.

Of course you think the gilded age is the sweet spot. You didn’t live through it.
Of course you think capitalism is great no matter the perspective, because you don’t work in a sweat shop. Yeah, of course there have been a few mistakes, like supporting death squads, fascists and continual warfare.
The problem with this idea is, these things aren’t mistakes, but were completely necessary to ensure the dominance of capitalism in the world and the protection of markets.

Socialism didn’t kill millions, Stalin and Mao did.

Not that this matters but most of the sweat shops exist in communist nations. Fascists were powerful governments, hardly representative of a capitalist nation like our nation was founded to be. When I say that’s the sweet spot, there is plenty of evidence to back that up as well. What was the net migration to the US during that period? Are you suggesting it was horrific, yet people chose to flee Europe to be taken advantage of?

Look, the truth is plain to see. Just look how people vote with their feet. Was there a massive migration TO the USSR? TO China? To Cambodia? TO Cuba? TO Venezuela? People STILL flee socialist/communist nations to make it to the US. It’s silly to try to rewrite history and try to paint Socialism as misunderstood.