Leftist Answer to Everything: Socialism

Sure it is. It’s a democratic socialist country. Healthcare, education and any number of other social support programs are provided by the government. Americans that support socialism support the type practiced in Finland.

It seems a lot of conservatives don’t seem to know the difference between socialism and communism. Just look at some of the posts in this, and other, threads.

Might want to learn the definition of socialism and might want to take a look at what dingbats like AOC and Sanders are pushing for… it ain’t Finland my friend. Finland is a capitalist country with a social safety net that’s too big.

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Starvation… show me.
Murder… sure… but it’s a drop in the bucket compared to what happens when government starts engaging in it. . .
Tyranny… as seen in this latest crisis, the tyranny rests with the left. . .as usual.

No, there’s no perfect system but Capitalism is by FAR the best that we know of so far… Socialism has a long history of human misery.

You should pay attention to what is really going on and stop depending on right wing echo chamber news.

Something like the Finnish model is what most left leaning Americans support, including Sanders.

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Those below the average in a society, would benefit more financially at the expense of the other half and so they scream…socialism. They loudly identify their shortcomings, failures and lack of preparation while doing so under the masquerade of virtue.

No, it’s not. That’s what they say in public… it’s NOT what their policy is aimed at. Take a good long look at the Green New Deal… it’s focused on government control of the means of production… their model looks like Venezuela while they tell people it’s like the Nordic model.


No, they are not socialist, you should probably look up the definition of the word. Maybe that will help.

You’ll have to excuse us for not knowing the difference as Marx said Socialism is the stage between Capitalism and Communism… Feel free to explain.

Let’s start with the actual definitions:

so•cial•ism sō′shə-lĭz″əm►
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
The stage in Marxist-Leninist theory intermediate between capitalism and communism, in which the means of production are collectively owned but a completely classless society has not yet been achieved
com•mu•nism kŏm′yə-nĭz″əm►
A theoretical economic system characterized by the collective ownership of property and by the organization of labor for the common advantage of all members.
A system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single, often authoritarian party holds power, claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people.

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They’re definitely capitalist, but the same programs there would no doubt be called ‘socialism’ here.

Depends on where you’re from.

No, it doesn’t.

I’m not a Marxist and feel no need to explain his theories.

What do you call it when a government provides national healthcare and education plus all the other social programs and benefits that are available in Finland?

A capitalist system that funds dumb programs. It’s not Socialist. Here’s a slip from Maxine Waters… this is the intent. Sanders, AOC, Omar and a slew of other Democrats have every intention of government control of companies.

Let me tell you what THIS Liberal would be all about. This liberal would be about Socializ…uh, um… would be about, um, basically, taking over, and the government running all of your companies.

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A capitalist welfare state.

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I love it when people move goal posts to suit their needs.

Today a country that provides nationalized healthcare is called a “capitalist welfare state” because it suits the current argument but tomorrow it will once again be called a “socialist state” because it will suit a new argument.

It doesn’t matter what you want to call it today most left leaning Americans favor the Finnish model of social programs.

It isn’t limited to Marxists. I hear “that wasn’t real capitalism” from other folks.

By conservative metrics it is, so conservative metrics might not be meaningful or useful.

Yeah, I hear that too when people start taking over large sections of the private economy with government mandates and force… :wink: … of course, they have a point. Capitalism with limited government works very well until they start crossing the line to larger and larger government. That’s the difference. Socialism starts out great and ends in disaster due to the very building blocks of socialism. Capitalism ends in disaster when people start implementing socialism.


Yeah, it’s always sunshine and lollipops until the house of cards collapses. We’re doing the same… we have a MASSIVE welfare state and a TON of state control at this point. We were growing like mad as a nation until FDR came around, since his policies started taking hold, we’ve been declining as a % of the world economy.

Not as big in proportion as any Scandinavian country’s or as much “state control”. I’m just calling attention to this convenient inconsistency, not saying it’s good or that Scandinavian countries are “socialist”.