Law of unintended consequences: Quarantines can kill people

Especially from people who’s only experience is xbox.

Much like Call of Duty hero’s in your world.


O P is right. Social isolation can have disastrous effects on overall health.

U S social connections and economy, as has been alluded to by President Trump, should open up again before too long. By Easter is ideal, IMO.

Easy to claim hindsight when you are mentioning actions no one asked for.

All you can think of is that we are saying Trump should have locked down in Feb instead of March.

Missing the point that the lockdowns are only happening BECAUSE of failure to act in Feb/Mar.

Had simple actions been taken, probable that the drastic actions we are taking now are not needed.

Again what we knew about the disease on Jan 30

*The virus was here in at least a dozen places
*The virus transmitted by person to person spread
*15% of those who caught the virus likely would require hospitalization
*5% of those who caught the virus would likely need to go to ICU with ventilation

More things we knew:

*The virus was all over the world…if it spread, there would be a run on medical supplies like PPE and ventilators…all over the world
*Much of this is not produced in the US
*Health systems ran with very little spare capacity, especially in the critical ICU equipment and PPE
*Flu season was still underway
*China, with only 200 cases, was flipping the ■■■■ OUT! Building huge hospitals in days. Splitting their existing hospitals into COVID and non-COVID wings. Creating isolation centers for the mild cases.

All these things we knew…what was lacking was the systematic thinking to put together what this all MEANT…which is a tragedy because it had been war gamed and planned (hence the high readiness rating) but like Eisenhower said (paraphrased) once the battle starts, plans are ■■■■■■■ useless.

But the one thing that SHOULD have been in everyone’s mind to make sure was done was literally step number one in the pandemic playbook…to be done BEFORE ■■■■ got out of hand…test, track and isolate. Test, track and isolate.

When Trump was paying attention, finally, in mid-March, all the blockers to testing evaporated.

Imagine had he been paying attention in early Feb?

Now…this is not just a Trump failure…Hong Kong’s government also wasn’t paying attention but local people on the ground got in their faces and forced them to act.

That didn’t happen here…everyone missed all the weak signs that should have been alarm bells.

But Trump was nowhere close to perfect either…nowhere near a 10/10.

But since Trump can never admit he made a mistake…and neither can his supporters…we are now in this denial of reality in face of suffering and death.

If you can’t admit mistakes…you can’t fix them.

Sorry but all the problem’s with covid19 we face are due to trump.

I concur, if he had done that, there would have been a lot of push back. But a lot would have heeded that advise, especially if he had the medical experts backing him up.

He could have made it voluntarily at first, with a heavy emphasis that everyone does it.

That, would have been better then doing nothing.

And, if he listened to the medical experts, and listened to their advise, they probably would have advised him to start procuring the needed medical/PPE supplies in Jan, vs March.

Sorry, I do not whine.

Sadly…this glaringly, obvious fact, will be ignored, or denied.

The so-called experts at that point will not get calling for that scale of the response.

The who didn’t even declare a global pandemic until 11th March.

You people say he won’t listen to his experts but when he does you say he’s incompetent make up your damn mind

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You folks constantly rant and Rave that he doesn’t listen to The Experts, but then he listens to the experts and and then say he shouldn’t listen to The Experts because it’s up to him to make the decision.

Make up your damn mind

And yet your criticisms are solely directed at the president.

He isn’t, why make baseless accusations?

Which the President needed to justify the travel restrictions.

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You are missing the point almost that whole post is full of hindsight. You always say he could have taken actions. Can you point to actions CDC instructed him to do and he denied them the ability to do it? Did he tell the CDC to not track and Isolate individuals? Testing was slow.

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Trump was acting in December.

CDC began developing its test in December. In paragraph China lied about the severity of the outbreak from the start.

Trump was taking actions including the travel ban when the rest of the world and the who were telling us they were unnecessary it racist xenophobic.

What suggestions were you making as to the president’s actions or what should have been taken at the same time?

provide Links of course.

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Worse than just hindsight it’s pure partisan hypocrisy and a complete rewrite of History.

I posted the timeline here more than a dozen times we know what actions Trump was actually taken and when?

conversely shall we review your own positions in real time with the actions he was taking?

How about we give that a try?

let’s go back to the original thread on the subject where you were calling the whole thing a big bunch of nothing and saying his actions were racist xenophobic and inexcusable…


That is not at all hypocritical. Not one bit

I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m not one of Trump’s advisors. I was worried about Christmas in December

Of course you’re only off by about 95%.

No not one bit hypocritical.