Laura Ingraham's Brother: She's a Monster

just some…

Yeah…she’s got blond hair…blue eyes…that makes her…a nazi. :rofl:

i ask again.

do you really think she is sig-heiling?

yes or no applies here

yes. i can totally see how she is.

ok thanks for your honest opinion

the slaute though…

it’s not possible to extend a wave that way to vast crowds without that being total nazi aryan supremacist exterminate jews at the nationally broadcast Republican convention, okay?

< makes “ok” sign >

The opinions of siblings (and even half-siblings) are relevant and important to hear. Our gracious host and his network taught us this.


You don’t believe her brother has more knowledge of Laura’s behavior growing up and conversations around the dinner table?

people are biased regardless of familial relationship. which many times is purely hateful and jealous.

go by what she herself says/does/writes/promotes etc

“relevant” and “impt to hear” does not mean true but thanks for your feeble attempt!

Feeble attempt at what? You LITERALLY just admitted that everything I said was true, but then tried, very impotently and aimlessly, to deride what I said.

Conservatives: Hollywood actors should keep their pie holes shut…except the celebrities I agree with.

Conservatives: Athletes should keep their beliefs to themselves…except Tim Tebow.

Conservatives: Relatives and siblings have strong opinions we should all strongly consider and believe…except the ones of my co-hosts. They need to shut their dirty, gay pie holes.

Her brother seems more vested in publicly shaming her for a private family matter.

she seems vested in bringing shame to herself in public.

i “literally” didnt do any such thing

i promote taking in what Laura writes, says, does…,

you deflect to guests on fox news shows

do tell, with quoted support from what she says

Whatever happened to Contempt of Host/ Host’s Friends?

This smear thread is poison


Post of the day.

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you posted no quotes of hers but it’s ok post nonsense ftom lala lefty land of lies

please indicate an example where she brings shame to herself

Yes, you literally admitted i was right. You did not refute anything I said.

And thanks for proving my assertion about conservatives and their hypocrisies correct.