LATEST: Biden suggests his uncle was eaten by cannibals after being shot down during WWII

The Japanese deserve to be accused. They were the only reason Joe’s uncle was there.

True. But it’s been a long time. Modern Japan has nothing to do with imperial Japan.

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it’s history that should not be forgotten. In fact, it’s history that until fairly recently, was not taught in Japan.

Of course not. New Guinea was awful. The Americans, Australians, and Japanese who all served there said the same thing about it. It was a snake infested pit of hell where you fought the elements as much as you fought the opponent.

And it’s not that Japanese didn’t teach WWII. It’s more like they taught it and focused on 1944 and 1945 after they were clearly defeated and didn’t mention all the war mongering that had went on before that to put them into that position. They portrayed themselves as total victims of the war rather than having helped cause it. So it was a misrepresentation of history more so than just totally ignoring it. But then again Russians don’t exactly focus on the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact either. So it wasn’t just the Japanese who tried to clean their history up after the war.

Hell we have our own shameful history as part of the war that we prefer to ignore today. We turned awa thousands of Jews before the war broke out who were in turn murdered by the Nazis. But ya don’t see it heavily focused on in American history books.

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I think it’s a lot less. I think it’s just thousands. There was that ship and then the kids.

The point stands obviously.

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Yeah I may have exaggerated a bit.

My point is that after the war every single country kind of freaked out, even the victors, and went on a cleaning up spree. Let us never forget how us and the British totally told Poland to go ■■■■ themselves after the war was over, despite the entire European war being over that issue.

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Nazi’ism was pretty popular in the US until the war. Had gigs at Madison Square Garden with sell out crowds and of course it was an outgrowth of Darwinism. Survival of the fittest and all. Of course he has since been proven wrong.



How did I miss this?

What the ■■■■ is a black and white milkshake? He really wanted one.

He can’t even imitate Trump.

Sad sack pathological liar.




I bet she had help from this one.


I wonder what the Papua New Guinea leaders would think if Biden invites them over for dinner.


Is that a piece of human leg I see on the side of her mouth?

No. It’s blond leg hair that kids like to rub their hands in.

All I saw here is Biden ordering from a Deli stand in Philidelphia. Does it happen towards the end? I heard the employee say that they sell milkshakes and Biden takes the items he bought, exits to the left, saying he wants to order a milkshake.

ETA: Ohh okay. He said he wanted to order a black and white milkshake.

Cookies and creme?

What is wrong with that?

But only if it was “articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking” one.

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