Last poster wins!

“When ev’ry maiden prays that her lad
Will be a cad!
It’s mad! It’s gay!
A libelous display!
Those dreary vows that ev’ryone takes,
Ev’ryone breaks.
Ev’ryone makes divine mistakes
The lusty month of May!”

Guinevere singing to Arthur

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3 licks

I too never made it without biting…

“Few will understand this.”

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very few of us remember watching Schoolhouse rock on Saturday morning cartoons…

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And now for the weather forecast . . .Greek style.


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Here’s a guy who has at least 5 birthdates and even his date of death is wrong on his tombstone.

Real birthdate was 1897

the English invasion helped us hear the music we had made

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wise doctor


bug guts on your shoes

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