Last poster wins!

all those mouths chomping throughout time. eating it’s own tail in the milkyway.

Soylent Green is people

So was Uncle Bosey.

Finally, some good sailing weather.

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Is that Striper waters?

Yes. 40 pounders are not uncommon either. Still more likely to catch a white or large mouth though. They can be picky in these plentiful waters.

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I became addicted to Trolling for Stripers when real young. On the LI sound

I’m always after the paddlefish. The world record was caught in that same lake earlier this year at 164 lbs 13 oz.

The one species I haven’t caught yet is the walleye. They’re there, I’ve watched my friend catch one, but I’ve yet to hook one in over 30 years.


Catfish and carp are fun to catch

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In ocean fishing and surf casting Yellowtail was always the real challenge. Marlin and Sailfish trolling in Florida was nice.

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shake it up

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at least it wasn’t soup


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I don’t think Chuck would hit a girl…

Good morning. :coffee:



wavy is great, but who wants friendly toilet paper?