Ladies and gentlemen. The Deportations have begun

Right. Seriously frivolous.

they won the citizenship question on the 2020 census vs trump
its also not their first rodeo.


no. its not. i will disagree with you (as will the courts)


The American criminal liberties union has long been run by left wing nut jobs. I agree they are serious about their beliefs, that does not mean they also arenā€™t seriously left wing nut jobs. I also am sure they will court shop in everything they do and file their suits in similarly left wing nut job courts. But you and I know that these cases will ultimately end up in the supreme Court ( which is what Trump wants), which currently has only three left wing nut jobs and 6 judges actually concerned about upholding the constitution. The left wing nut jobs are outnumbered and Trump will eventually win. We can wait. In the meantime we get to watch Lib heads :exploding_head:.

Fun times the next 4 yearsšŸæ!

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Itā€™s possible that the Constitutionalist Justices will not see all of Trumpā€™s actions as Constitutional.

As far as I am concerned, I take heart that we arenā€™t relying on 6 left wing judges to determine Constitutionality. But I do not want to assume that the 6 who are not left wing will automatically side with Trump on all issues.

And if it happens that 2 of the 6 side against Trump and explain their Constitutional rationale, are we going to declare them left wingers too? Probably the MAGA world will. But I will not. I still have faith in the Supreme Court to decide the Constitutionality of issues. I will abide by their decisions.

For the record, I expect the majority of these Trump issues to go his way.

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As do I. But Iā€™ve yet to be right about anything so Iā€™m not going to hold my breath. :rofl:

You could be right Guv, I lost faith in the Supreme Court when they allowed cities to steal private property for profit. John Roberts is a disgrace as far as Iā€™m concerned since he single handedly gave us Obamacare and Barrett sided with the left wing nut jobs recently. Sure Trump could lose but I think the Constitution is on his side. Nope, wonā€™t consider them left wingers if they rule wrong, but I will keep poking Libs in the face! :smiley:

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Cool. Write a check with your lips, cash it with your ass, and go buy a sense of humor.

Maybe try to be funny? That would probably help.


Send them to Gaza to work and pay them 10 cents on a dollar.

Probably. We all like cheap labor, right?

Dude she literally is! Trump did things in five days she couldnā€™t accomplish in five years because protecting a cities sanctuary status is more important than protecting its citizens.


Is this a joke?

ICE knew exactly where to go in NY to get what theyā€™ve gotten so far. NY law enforcement, from Letitia James on down, looked the other way for years. Now the adults are laying down the law.

Ditto in Denver (and especially the suburb of Aurora) where up until January 20 authorities kept telling us that reports of Venezuelan gangs were fabricated. Yet right away, raid after raid, they have been hauling in Tren de Aragua members. And in Aurora the city has quietly closed the buildings where the original reports of gang activity was located, but the local politicians kept saying ā€œNothing to see hereā€¦ā€

Stuff like this is playing out across the country. I canā€™t understand why leftists are trying to argue against it.


Because it is Trump doing it.

The left is driven by nothing more than pure hatred.


Thereā€™s a reason. ICE following the law.
ā€œAn ICE spokesperson said that federal court cases limit how long ICE can hold people indefinitely if their countries refuse to take them back. That leads agents to release some of those arrested.ā€

Which has nothing to do with tren arugua. She is state attorney general. You are posting nonsense. Again.

Where did I mention the app? Iā€™m talking about the asylum conditions in nearly 200 countries all over the world forcing people to come to the US border in the tune of 5,000-15,000 per day. You donā€™t believe thatā€™s going to magically stop do you?

Because leftists know if they lie often enough there will be dumbasses that will believe it to be true. Theyā€™ll repeat those lies and rope in more suckers.


they have won enough court cases and that proves they are not nut jobs but have various concerns about American citizens civil liberties.

i could show you court win after court win when they actually protected american citizens civil rights from governmental over reach.
