Ladies and gentlemen. The Deportations have begun

The alternative is to just release them. Better they should be locked up somewhere.

A tragic waste. What an actual shame.


I’m just wondering when we will see the 5,000 - 15,000 asylum seekers showing up at the border every day? It’s not like the asylum conditions in nearly 200 countries could have just magically changed overnight? Maybe @biggestal99 knows when they will start storming the border again?

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Ok and?

Yes. But I fully expect any money going to them will be cut off, if it hasn’t been already.

He’s walking it back because Trump’s border czar said he would prosecute the governor.


When you ■■■■■■■ with nurses you’re ■■■■■■■ with me.

I agree but why is that justification for GITMO?

I don’t see it being a place for most illegals to go, then can be sent straight back to where they came from. But we have thousands of illegals that have committed crimes in our country…those can sit at Gitmo until there sentences is up and then sent packing to there original country.

I hope that makes sense.


Cruel and Unusual Punishment. :rofl:

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They can also sit in a US state or Federal prison. Likely for cheaper.

Why? They’re not Americans.

And you won’t have ■■■■■■■■ releasing em without telling ICE.

That’s on libs…not us.


Maybe his lips shouldn’t be writing checks his ass can’t cash.

Got to complacent that law breaking would be ignored. New sheriff in town and he don’t play that way.

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with the app. 1400 people a day.

at least get your facts straight before posting.

of course trump shut down the app with an EO and got sued.


You have a strange view of human anatomy

Do I need to give a lesson on Idioms for Dummies?

It is a snow day here so I’m free all day.

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I know Democrats are worried about the price of strawberries. What happens when the jobs Americans won’t do are unoccupied. The truth is, there is no such thing as jobs Americans won’t do. Just jobs Americans won’t do for the compensation offered.

Of course this is where Democrats don’t care if someone is being paid slave wages working in terrible conditions. As long as their produce is cheap, they are totally ok with this.


Without the app- zero people a day! That’s 1400 times better! And Trump is used to frivolous Lib law suits by now.


the ACLU does not sue friviously.

they are dead serious.


Of course they are. But this isn’t Trump’s first rodeo.