Labor shortage in America. A viable solution? Here are a couple

Yup. It’s about time. This will lead to some automation. Like ordering kiosk at fast food. That is fine. But many jobs will still be there like bus boy, cook, dishwasher, hostess. Pay them at good wage and they will stay.

Market will decide.

I want what he’s smoking. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Ditto. :rofl:

I sure wish he’d elaborate on it.

I already did gentlemen…keep up. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

You said the hires were mostly gay. Did you ask them or something?

I was given a very vast tour and spoke with many, many employees.

But where does the hiring mostly gay people for lower pay but social get-togethers piece fit in?


Ah. Got it.

You got a job when you want. Your very lucky. :rofl:

The ■■■■ is getting bad. Maybe the illegal aliens will help with population control and lower wages. Don’t waste a crisis. This could help. I feel bad for the agents who got covid processing illegals, though .

And they’ll probably do it better and not whine that every job is beneath them and doesn’t pay enough, unlike some native borns.

Had a small home repair a few years back. We were renting and it took the owner one year to find a contractor willing to do the repair.

When he did, they were brothers from a Guatemalan family. They did a wonderful job & we even chatted over pizza.


Here’s a list of states on board to end the extra $300 per week “Unemployment”:

Not seeing my state of residence on it, guess that RINO Charles Baker is in agreement with extra money to not work, and HELP WANTED signs seem to stay up forever.

All 50 states need to get on board with termination of these payments to end labor shortages.


The UE benefits are contributing to this some, but it is not the entire issue. Many of these jobs aren’t being filled because people do not want to risk covid exposure. Also, I think many families have learned to get by on less over the last 16 months. They have decided the rat race isn’t worth the $400 after you pay for child care just so you can have a job.

People aren’t going to work these jobs for the old payrate. The wages are going to have to make it worth it to them. My states extra benefits ended 6 weeks ago and there are still for hire signs everywhere.

Blaming it all on the UE benefits isn’t looking at the big picture.

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Perhaps the one job household is making a comeback?

Some jobs, after commuter costs, child care costs, expenses for work related apparel are paid, is there much left over?

One stay at home mother or father could get away from the grief and aggravation of the outside job & maybe the second vehicle could be sold, which would also eliminate expenses for it like insurance, gas and repair costs.

May not be a permanent strategy, at some point returning to work may be a possibility. Have an aunt who never returned to work after her first child came into the world, and when she very recently inquired how much was available to her in Social Security benefits, she was disheartened to hear 0.00 as she hadn’t worked enough years to put into the system.

But maybe after managing to live on less for awhile and analyzing the costs of that second income, at least while kids are in the single digit years staying home may be a strategy for one parent.


I do think this is a big part of what we are seeing. In my area, good daycare is $150 a week per child. If you are making $10 an hour, you are basically working for nothing. All 4 fast food restaurants in my town have had $13 an hour on their street signs for 3+ months. Even that has not been enough to fill these jobs.

There isn’t a labour shortage, there is a we are not willing to pay enough shortage.

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I agree with this. This is labor demanding fundamental change from service sector employers.

They’ve been underpaid for far too long. And it’s an industry where unionization basically doesn’t exist.

The smart workers saved up enough during extended unemployment to get them by for a few months. And with their savings they don’t have to work for a few months. I don’t blame them at all.

Labor has an obligation to fight for better compensation.

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BS. People go shopping, malls socializing BS

Still refusing to see the forest through the trees. People have decided the wages aren’t worth the added family stress.

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It is not the money…it is the work.