Kid flashes white power symbol at Nashville rally

I believe the sequence of events was that trolls came up with the idea to try and convince others the “ok” sign was a white supremacist signal, like 1488 or employing ((())) when referring to Jews.

The problem of course is that the real white supremacists ran with it. So now you have situations where it can be just a kid trolling, or a white supremacist having their own laugh by muddying up the waters.

Muddying the waters is kind of 50% of what white supremacists like to do. And trolls who troll long enough tend to start turning into what they’re pretending to be.

And the right went ape ■■■■ when Obama called out the officer from the Cambridge police Dept.
But whether he was forced to or not he at least tried to open a dialogue about race in America by having a sit-down with the officer and Prof. Gates…
All trump has done has done is coddle white supremacists…

Okay, that’s just weird and incredibly stupid for all parties involved. Never heard of the other two you mentioned either.

I just thought it was some sort of “retaliation” for the stupid “terrorist fist jab” thing said about the obamas. Which was also ridiculous.

So according to the OP…Obama is a white supremacist?

And the word “gay” used to mean happy…
Ask your friends if they’re gay that trump is president…

Ya it’s weird and stupid. The troll idea originated on 4chan, so weird and stupid is kinda the norm there.

1488 is older, 14 words (white nationalist slogan) and 88 for Heil Hitler. The ((())) thing was newer, started on twitter and lots of Jews have embraced it to self-label.

Using coded language and sometimes symbols is old hat with white nationalists, so flashing a hand sign wouldn’t have been entirely out of character for them.

No, according to the OP the A-ok sign has a different congnitive now…
Continue to keep your head buried in the sand …

To be honest, I had no idea that meant anything but ok.

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Kid’s mission accomplished.

And yet, the guy in Montana gets kicked out AND questioned by authorities for not clapping and cheering.


First, you have to establish that he was either trolling or flashing a white power sign. Mostly, people just are saying everything is ok, as in OK that I am here in front at the rally. Not everyone is white power sign obsessed. That sign has probably been around about as long as “OK” has.

Standard Youtube warning.

Malcom in the Middle.

Oh yeah…I forgot…when a lib does it, that’s different.

When did this ok-hand gesture become a White Power symbol? If some raggedy KKK members used it at one of their pitifully small rallies doesn’t mean its a universal sign for anything but “A-okay”!


According to wiki:


I suggest you read this if you have time.

Never heard that. Maybe it’s just a way for those that want racism where none exist?

A simple search on the interwebs yields that it is the second part of a two handed gesture of sign language for the letter W and letter P. Which when done poorly looks like an upside down ok sign. I will continue to use the ok sign as I am not a white supremicist…I am 53 years old and am not so childish as to actually throw signs with my hands!