Kid flashes white power symbol at Nashville rally

Ok. If you say so. What was I supposed to learn from that?

I don’t care.

We get that…

Do you? Do you really? I certainly hope so.

Why do “you” think you have the right to decide for somebody else what is acceptable?

And you know this kid knows what he’s doing how? Did you ask him?
Maybe you put this kid up to it.

“I” do not get to decide for “you” mainstream society as a whole does…there are plenty of folks that do not agree with it and they go off and have there own sub cultures like the folks that brought you the White power troll sign…

Would Trumpist start a thread if black people were prominently standing behind obama pumping fist in air?

It was collective “you” - society.

Why do you think “society” gets to make that decision for me?

No one makes “decisions” for you, that is up to you…

Like I said you are free to call chocolate ice cream vanilla…

Probably. You’ll have to ask them. I wouldn’t, but I’m not a “Trumpist” - I don’t care for New York Democrats. Redundant I know. I don’t have a problem with “black power” as long as it doesn’t come in to conflict with my “cowboy power”.

Not decisions - “acceptable”. Who are “you” to decide what is acceptable for me?

Society does, a collective force that can exert enough influence to set standards…

If you do not agree with it or find it “acceptable” that is your “decision” to not agree with set standard, it does not however change the standard set by the whole

I don’t think that’s right. There’s not “society”, there are societies. And who is exerting force on society to change? Doesn’t somebody have to be?

“Set by the whole”? Half the voting population decided Trump was “acceptable”. Is that how society decides?

How is the whole in California and New York involved in this decision?

Sounds like you think I’m supposed to conform?

I’d be very careful with anything around the President for one simple reason, the op-ed in The NY Times and the threat to get the President “one way or another” your at a rally and everybody’s clapping but one person you don’t think the secret service isn’t going notice? Anything out of place or that’s not the norm it’s they’re job to investigate it. PEROID.

I agree there are many society’s aka sub cultures within a mainstream culture that run counter to it…sometimes a counter culture can take over and become the mainstream.

I do not think you are supposed to conform to the mainstream, you are clearly out of it…

You asked who sets these standards, and that is who society… those do not agree go off and set their own standards

Why do you care and why is it important?

Seriously, some get soooo upset over other people’s feelings.

I could care less if someone thinks he is better than me. Most libs feel that they are better than me all the time. I will get upset if they act on those feelings.

I dont care if an antifa thug goes to a rally and voices his feelings. As soon as his feelings delve into actions and he strikes some one, throw the book at him.

Same with the KKK Loons. I dont care how they feel. If they assault someone one, lock them up.

What actions did this kid commit that you find so objectionable?

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Mainstream culture? Subcultures - implying lesser to “the” mainstream?

So what or who decides what is “mainstream” or “sub” and how? I ask because I have a feeling the left thinks they are mainstream or at least decide what it is. Is that a fair feeling?

In some cultures, it is important to be outraged on others’ behalf.

How do you know I’m not the mainstream?

“Sub” does not mean “lesser” it’s just counter…

Who decides what is mainstream and what is sub is Society, sub and mainstream are not static they change.

Is the “left” mainstream? No, that’s binary thinking what is mainstream and what is sub is fluid