Kevin Hassett blows holes through Obama Economy

How do you know?

Facts remain…we are heading into territory that Obama should of had if he knew what he was doing.

Obama failures is Trump gain. You can’t claim credit for it as much as you like too.

By his own admission, Conan did not get past the 6th grade. Use this as context. Proceed accordingly.

Face it libs, you can’t accept your Messiah failure…so you trying to claim credit for something that you had nothing to do with.

Man, I’m trying to throw you a bone and argue in good faith and you come back with this ■■■■■

All Presidents have an effect on the economy. Obama just made it easy for someone like Trump to make lemonade out of lemons.

he’s baiting you.

Trump has done what Obama should have. Libs know this.

It’s why they are making it so personal against me for pointing it out.

Haven’t even read the thread yet. Just got to the one I quoted and had to LOL.

And has minimal knowledge base.

Can’t address the post so resort to addressing the poster… as usual. Intellectually … weak.

That’s all they have. They can’t argue with numbers.

This entire thread is nothing more then personal attacks from em.

Perhaps. But, dispute the charts and graphs? Numbers should have no political influence (unless garbage in garbage out, like global man made warming?)

We actually just argued with numbers–reality-based ones–while you made up yours.

I don’t know why you make up stuff that can be verified with a few keystrokes.

Is this a new form of whining?

Here is opinion piece from Huffpost.

5 Years After the Great Recession, Our Economy Still Far from Recovered

Now, five years after emerging from recession, the best metrics of economic health suggest the economy is only between one-third and half of the way to fully recovered. What are the key features of this continued sluggishness in the economy?

We know Huffpost isn’t a right-wing site.

they are literally arguing the numbers. thi sis where you ignore it and just troll people with these type of posts

You’re just all over the place, aren’t you?

Why did you just make up those numbers?

I can’t tell if you’re flailing, pouting, or whining.

I hope that tears aren’t involved.

I’ve seen a grown man cry only once, and it wasn’t pretty.

Libs want to go back to Obama and his lost decade.

Embrace it libs. It’s what you want.

When was the last time a President was “fired”? Who is his “boss” that hands him a pink slip? The American people sure are not since the economy is booming. You don’t like Trump, I get it. Someone else elected (i.e. Bernie Sanders) could have turned this economy into a rotten tomato.

My advise? Make hay while the sun shines. :sunflower:

What was the stock market at when Obama took office, Conan?