KERRY COLLUSION: Sen. Rubio Calls for DOJ PROBE into Kerry’s ‘ILLEGAL’ Iran Meetings

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Sen. Marco Rubio fired-back at former Secretary of State John Kerry Tuesday; blasting the senior Obama official and requesting a thorough investigation into whether he broke the law by engaging in “Shadow Diplomacy” with Iranian officials.

Rubio sent a scathing letter to Attorney General Jeff Sessions this week asking for an official investigation into Kerry’s dealings since leaving office; saying the former diplomat may have violated the Logan Act or the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

The American people “deserve to know that U.S. laws are enforced regardless of any individual’s past position,” writes Rubio.

Last week, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo blasted Kerry’s “unseemly” actions, saying his high-level meetings are without “precedent” in American history.

“You can’t find precedent for this in U.S. history, and Secretary Kerry ought not to engage in that kind of behavior,” said Pompeo.

Read the full report at Fox News.