Kennedy Retiring From USSC

Yes, I know what you mean. It really is worrying. The vast majority of people are good, regardless of their political beliefs.

But there is a very loud minority who are becoming more and more unhinged. It’s going to get very, very ugly when the confirmation hearings get underway, especially if it is Barrett. She has really triggered the anger and hate. There is something about conservative women in particular that really sets the unhinged left off.

I wish I could remember where I read it now, but a very good point was made. One of the differences between the 60s unrest and now is that Ds, for the most part, were still a sane party. Now we have calls for open borders and threats (Maria Cantwell of WA) saying a Ds career will be over if he/she dares to support whoever Trump picks for the SC. Merit will have nothing to do with it… it’s all about riling up the base and obstructing no matter what.

Never mind the fact Sotomayer and Kagain sailed though. Yes Rs were the minority then, but they had the filibuster and they didn’t use it.

The unhinged people are really the ones to worry about. Some on the left have completely lost their minds.

You should try to be nicer. It’s good for self esteem.

And you should troll elsewhere.

Exactly, That is the difference now. We have “journalists” like Jim Acosta openly opposing anything Republican. We have Dan Rather openly encouraging people to join the “resistance”.

Obviously there was hate directed at Michelle Obama and other Ds. The difference is 90% of the media was on their side.

Now most of the same media don’t even hide their hostility to Trump, Republicans and conservatives.

Look at the fawning media coverage of the NY socialist. I remember when Dave Brat defeated Cantor… Brat was portrayed as a far right nut case. Exact opposite with the socialist.

You have a lot more faith in people than I do. Just out of curiosity are you Catholic? You sound a lot like my dad’s 2nd wife who is and she sees only the best in just about everyone and prays for everyone else.

I would like to believe that the vast majority of democrats are “good people” but I pretty lost that level of faith with Clinton’s reelection. It’s all been downhill since.

What’s scary is that the “open borders” message and the lie that unlimited immigration would be a boon for the country seem to really be taking hold and a couple of decades of policies promoting same would literally tear this country apart and bring us to our knees as a nation.

The social welfare system would implode and when it does we’ll end up seeing the same kind of violence that occurs everywhere else when people become hopeless.

No, I am not Catholic. I consider myself a non denominational Christian. However, I deeply admire the Catholic church’s commitment to pro life causes, protecting life from conception to natural death.

As for having faith in people, it might be simply a matter of me having this opinion based on people I personally know. I actually believe the majority of people aren’t like us, political junkies who know everything that is going on. Most are not really that interested day to day with what is happening and don’t become engaged until an election is near.

Even then, we are lucky to get 50 or 60% of people actually voting. Roughly half of the population can’t be bothered, and this is in an era where some states have weeks of advanced voting and mail in ballots. We’ve made it as easy as possible, and still some on the left rage against “voter suppression”.

Anyway, I’m not so sure the open borders message is going to be well received. And I do think that issue, along with the SC, will be the thing that will motivate conservatives to vote this November. At least I sure hope so.

Abolish ICE? Keep it up Ds, somehow I think it’s not going to work out the way you think,.

ICE arrests 32 sex offenders in Long Island during Operation SOAR

The details ICE has given in that story I just posted are horrific. The victims are CHILDREN.

We’re much the same there. I was raised Lutheran and on the very rare occasions I go to church that is still my choice.

While I have a lot of criticisms about the Vatican I also have a tremendous amount of respect for the faithful and how they care for their own and others. I also feel very much the same about the Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses.

The funny part is some of my closest friends have been and are Catholic and twice I came very close to marrying “catholic girls”. One of them, a gal I dated through most of HS was first generation Polish American and when her grandmother who lived with them found out I was both German and Lutheran not only never spoke to me again she flat out spit on me every time I got within range and would cuss me out in Polish. It was nuts!

When I was in Europe my best friend was Catholic and no matter where we were if we could get off post we’d go to church. Dave would always say, I appreciate you going to church with me but if we’re going to a Lutheran Church you can go in and I’ll wait outside".

I had the privilege of going to some of the surviving cathedrals originally built in the late 800’s, 900’s and quite a few that were built around the year 1000. I tried to make the most of my time wherever I was to both learn and experience as much of the local culture and history as I could and in Europe, there’s no better way to do that than by going to services and events in those old Churches.

Yes Mormons and JW are good people too, although I strongly disagree with their religious beliefs.

I just think attacking anyone’s faith, which is likely going to happen to Barrett if she’s nominated, is not something most Americans would agree with. I’m not a Mormon, and Romney was far from an ideal conservative, but it really bothered me the way he was smeared. He’s a very decent person and devoted to his family.

Plus of course there is not supposed to be a religious test for a SC justice. Won’t stop Ds from doing it though.

And to think at one time I supported Ds. I wouldn’t even recognize the party now.

I’ve never been to Europe, but would love to see some of those churches. That would be a wonderful experience.

If you don’t see anything else get to Berlin and Southern Germany. Much of SG survived the war relatively unscathed because it was less industrialized and out of reach of the bombers.

Berlin was amazing in the seventies and eighties. West Berlin was brilliant and thriving and most of East Berlin still looked like the war had just ended and was still in ruins.

The only way I can really put it that makes sense is that looking at WB was like watching a movie in color, and looking across the wall you saw nothing but a grim, black and white war damage film.

It was an incredible experience.

Holland was an absolute blast as well. I’ve never been anywhere in the world that a US service-member was more welcome.

Here’s Chuck Schumer apparently lying, as Amy Barrett wasn’t even involved in this case. And it’s beyond stupid to say it’s fighting efforts to ensure woman have “access to contraceptives” as though conservatives are standing by at Walgreens preventing women from buying them. It simply means employers can’t be forced to subsidize them.

Barrett also fought efforts to ensure that all women have access to contraceptives.

I’d love to see those places, along with Tuscany and Provence. Not sure I will ever make it, but would love to.

Sadly much of Europe is in chaos these days, thanks to open borders and left wing governments. Seems things are changing though, even Sweden isn’t as socialist as it used to be.

Schumer is among the worst and most dangerous of the lying, screaming hypocrites because he pretends to be so calm, reasoned, and rational.

The funny part is that he also plays the “faithful Jew”. There’s a special place in hell for people like that, right next to a lot of the TV evangelists.

Yes, in some ways he’s more dangerous than those who are open about how left wing they are.

What is funny though is seeing the “transformation” of Kirsten Gillibrand, from a gun supporting, strong borders D to a loony leftist. She hasn’t got a principled bone in her body, she will just say whatever it takes to pander, as she wants the D nomination. Don’t think she will get it though. My guess is Kamala Harris or Elizabeth Warren will get it.

I will be very surprised if Ds don’t nominate another woman.

Sadly Gillibrand was predictable.

2020 is going to be a democratic bloodbath before it’s all over. They party is tearing itself apart right now and it’s only going to get worse starting probably right after the November election.

There’s going to be a party realignment even more significant than we saw in the Reagan/Gingrich era.

At some point a lot of the Gen X,Y and whatever they are calling today’s youth are going to rebel when they figure out that the democrats basically stole their opportunity to join and thrive in the middle class much less advance beyond it.

I’m fairly sure this is a very, very small minority of people who agree with this, but it’s scary nevertheless. They are calling for an end to capitalism, freeing prisoners and having no borders. Left wing extremism to say the least.

It’s funny, many people, including me, thought the civil war would be with Rs, not Ds. Instead it’s the D party who is at war ad is tearing itself apart.

There are some who are pragmatic enough to realize a far left platform is going to repel many Americans, but then there are those who believe leftist policies are mainstream.

My complaint with Rs is that they aren’t even given lip service to small government anymore, and they won’t stand up to Trump on anything. I strongly disapprove of the tariffs, but they are afraid to do anything about it.

I don’t expect them to do anything about his behavior, because that will never change, but they sure could do something about his actions that most conservatives would agree are harmful. Tariffs are insane.

But that being said, there is no other realistic option. Ds are purging what few moderates are left, I think Manchin and the handful of other reasonable ones will be gone next year.

You mentioned in an earlier post about how the left will quote the Bible or use Christianity when it suits them. In this link is a photo of protester with a sin that says “Jesus was a refugee”. So yeah, they will use it when it is beneficial to them.

The scary part is that there’s probably as much as a 1/4 or maybe even a 1/3 of democrats that agree with most if not all of that. Fortunately that adds up to a very small portion of the population overall but there’s a lot of the so called libertarians that would agree with much of it as well.

If you add them all up it’s probably no more than maybe 5-8% of the population but revolutions have been started by less.

The good part about it is that it will continue to fracture and split the party and drive reasonable people out of it.