Kennedy Retiring From USSC

The benefits that the future Court is going to hand out are going to be more toward the benefit of corporations and things like that. It won’t be for consumers/employees.

IMO Articles of Confederation did it intended purpose…did it not?

And no the founder wasn’t wrong for abandoning it.

Keep in mind the Articles of Confederation was hastily written without much debate.

Now having said that I could have lived with it…but still needed BoR’s to shore up our civil liberties.

At least that is my opinion in which you’re free to disagree.

But all in all it’s good debate wither way.

Print more money

Was somebody “Freestylin”?

Okay… so you can see that they were a failure and they were abandoned for a reason.

You could have lived with something that you never had to experience… so that is a fine opinion to have.

I agree… debating counterfactuals is fun depending on the people you do it with.

Big Win for the R’s. Not so much. We knew it would happen during trumps term. Really no surprise.
when McConnell was making an ass of himself not seating a judge for a year we knew he would never stand by the same principle himself. We knew he was FOS. You knew. I knew. Some just chose to accept it. Some would vote for Satan if there was an (R) by it, and some did. Richest Senator from the poorest State. Go figga huh?

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Ah, you want violence! Should have said so…

Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House. Madonna the Skank

Or your boy Cenk calling for a Tahrir Square uprising. The one where Laura Logan was raped.

You’re not ready for this conversation.

I agree. Well said.

They weren’t a failure. They achieved their intended purpose.

Do you believe the United States requires a central government that rules supreme over every aspect of our lives?

Great post. Effort really shines through.


Actually, I think this is a major win for the hard right. They put off Obama’s rightful choice for a year and now get to seat two Justices.

Now, I don’t think many of them really understand what this means yet. The decisions the new court hands down will favor things like corporations over them.

That’s why I say we have to keep this thread going for a long time (like the this day in politics thread).

why would we do that? We are honorable people but not stupid.

I said post a left-wing equivalent of an extremist like Glenn Beck.

“My boy” Cenk? How is he “my boy?” Give a specific example.

Christ, your petulance is going to get the best of you one day.

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False dilemma.

Whelp… I guess back to the hammer

“Petulance”? :rofl:

How is it going to get the best of me?

Is it? How so?

If John McCain can’t vote for anything how is Arizona being represented?

You don’t need a hammer, you need some books.