Kennedy Retiring From USSC

Right. And who keeps insisting it needs interpretation? Lawyers. Like the language is super ambiguous or something. :roll_eyes:

Or a ā€œConstitutional Scholarā€ as President who made a point of circumventing the legislative branch whenever he saw fit.

itā€™s the consistent and constant message (that fires up the listener) that is the most effective. itā€™s like it slowly puts them in an angry trance.

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Whatā€™s the over/under on Jeff Flake folding like a cheap Trump suit?

How do you figure that? Taxes arenā€™t unConstitutional. 16th Amendment.

The judiciary actually doesnā€™t work.

Not one name from the left. COME ON!

and just out of curiosity, who do you think the Marines and the military will fight along side? Those that hate America and all it stands for or for illegal immigrant foreigners and disgruntled citizens who want to scrap the Constitution, our traditions, hollow out our military and install a new more powerful and centralized government? LMAO.

Who would you refer to as the left-wing version of Glenn Beck when he was on Fox? Or the left-wing version of Alex Jones?

Anybody heard from @Safiel? Reckon he fainted?

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Justice Kennedy is retiring in a month. Trump is the man.

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Kennedy has been good for the right, but still, we need change. Of course, Ginsburg needs to go also this year. After two more conservatives being put in, liberalism will be no more.

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Itā€™s why it vital for Trump to win in 2020 with a majority senate.

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Yes it is. I canā€™t see another liberal winning for many years now.

I want to see their idiotlogue destroyed so it can never again regain itā€™s ugly head.

Winning what? House seat? Senate seat? Governorship seat? President?

Or are you implying that no liberal will ever win a government position again?

Should be karma when the Dems take over in Nov and wonā€™t even give a hearing to any nomination.

Hitler thought his fascist Reich would last forever too.

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Yes, a house full of fiery socialist Latinasā€¦lolā€¦

Only to reappear under democrat party in USA 3/4 century later.