KEN STARR ON HANNITY: Bob Mueller Will Now Face ‘Very Hard Questions’ on Russia Probe

Originally published at: KEN STARR ON HANNITY: Bob Mueller Will Now Face ‘Very Hard Questions’ on Russia Probe | Sean Hannity

Former Independent Counsel Ken Starr spoke with Sean Hannity Tuesday night on Robert Mueller’s plan to testify before Congress; saying the special counsel will now face “very hard questions” about his two-year Russia probe.

“You took a lot of heat for doing your job,” said Hannity.

“That’s exactly right. It was the longest day back in November of 1998. Bob Mueller is now going to have a very similar experience… There’s going to be very hard questions for Bob Mueller. That’s the way it should be,” said Starr.

“It’s going to be an important day for the American people… There are so many questions about the investigation itself. I think it’s going to be an important day, because when Bob Mueller held his press conference and didn’t take questions, I think we should be concerned about that,” he added.

Watch Ken Starr on ‘Hannity’ above.