Kari Lake is absolutely correct! AZ may protect its own border against an invasion!


AZ Gov. Candidate Kari Lake Promises To Declare An ‘Invasion’ On The Southern Border

"Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake reiterated her promise to declare the border crisis an “invasion” if elected.

Appearing on CBS’s “Face the Nation” Sunday, Lake said that the influx of illegal aliens crossing the border and the sheer amount of deadly fentanyl being trafficked across warrants such a categorization. As such, Lake said she would use her authority to recruit help from other states to help secure the border."

We have been led to believe that our federal government has been delegated an exclusive power to regulate immigration.

What may come as a surprise to many is, nowhere in the text of our constitution is the word “immigration” to be found! As a matter of fact, a review of historical documentation with regard to immigration confirms the limited power delegated to our federal government by our constitution is to set a uniform rule for “naturalization” of foreign nationals who have already immigrated to one of the United States and wish to become a citizen of the United States.

There is nothing to even remotely suggest from historical documentation that our federal government has been delegated an exclusive power to regulate immigration.

So, just what was the specific intention for our framers and those who ratified our constitution to delegate a power to Congress to establish a “. . . uniform Rule of Naturalization . . . ”[Article 1, Section 8, Clause, 4]? And, exactly what does the power encompass?

According to our very own Supreme Court, “Its sole object was to prevent one State from forcing upon all the others, and upon the general government, persons as citizens whom they were unwilling to admit as such.” PASSENGER CASES, 48 U. S. 283 (1849). And, the Court’s statement is confirmed by the following documentation!

REPRESENTATIVE SHERMAN, who attended the Constitutional Convention which framed our Constitution points to the intentions for which a power over naturalization was granted to Congress. He says: “that Congress should have the power of naturalization, in order toprevent particular States receiving citizens, and forcing them upon others who would not have received them in any other manner. It was therefore meant to guard against an improper mode of naturalization, rather than foreigners should be received upon easier terms than those adopted by the several States.” see CONGRESSIONAL DEBATES, Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790 PAGE 1148

In addition, REPRESENTATIVE WHITE while debating the Rule of Naturalization notes the narrow limits of what “Naturalization” [the power granted to Congress] means, and he ”doubted whether the constitution authorized Congress to say on what terms aliens or citizens should hold lands in the respective States; the power vested by the Constitution in Congress, respecting the subject now before the House, extend to nothing more than making a uniform rule of naturalization. After a person has once become a citizen, the power of congress ceases to operate upon him; the rights and privileges of citizens in the several States belong to those States; but a citizen of one State is entitled to all the privileges and immunities of the citizens in the several States……all, therefore, that the House have to do on this subject, is to confine themselves to an uniform rule of naturalization and not to a general definition of what constitutes the rights of citizenship in the several States.” see: Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790, page 1152

And finally, REPRESENTATIVE STONEconcluded that the laws and constitutions of the States, and the constitution of the United States; would trace out the steps by which they should acquire certain degrees of citizenship [page 1156]. Congress may point out a uniform rule of naturalization; but cannot say what shall be the effect of that naturalization, as it respects the particular States. Congress cannot say that foreigners, naturalized, under a general law, shall be entitled to privileges which the States withhold from native citizens. See: Rule of Naturalization, Feb. 3rd, 1790, pages 1156 and 1157

Naturalization involves the process by which a foreign national, who is already in our country, is granted citizenship. Immigration, on the other hand involves a foreign national traveling to and entering the United States . . . two very distinct activities!

Now, with respect to Kari Lake’s promise, if elected, to declare an ‘Invasion’ On Arizona’s Southern Border and protect Arizona’s citizens against the consequences of an ongoing tsunami of unwanted foreign nationals flooding across its border, our Constitution states the following:

“No State shall, without the Consent of Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, or with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of delay.

So, it is not a stretch of the Constitution’s wording or its documented legislative intent, that the current situation in Arizona will not admit of delay, and that its Governor not only has authority to protect against an invasion of unwanted foreign nationals flooding across its borders, but it would also be a dereliction of the Governor’s duty to not take action to stop the invasion in its tracks.

Thank you Kari Lake for promising to do what our federal constitution allows in crystal clear language, and is supported by the documented legislative intent of our Constitution which gives context to its text.


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States, respectively, or to the people. Tenth Amendment

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Once she declares an “invasion” what is the next step? Deploy National Guard to the border? What will their rules of engagement be?

Will she build a wall and if so who will fund it? Taxpayers from across the nation or just Arizona residents?

What research has she done into putting her words into play?

I am genuinely interested to know what happens next once she moves past typical expected political rhetoric and into action.


What’s her plan to take on this responsibility?

If it saves me federal tax dollars because Arizonians are now gonna pay for Arizona’s border to be maintained, I am totally on board.


She strikes me as a very impressive, very intelligent lady.

AZ is lucky to be getting her as their new Gov. :+1:


Good question. I have also asked how she will from a practical and logistical perspective repel the “invasion”.

Election rhetoric is easy. I have a sneaking suspicion that nothing will actually change once she is elected.

Why is building a border wall such a hard thing to wrap one’s mind around. We’re not the only ones who have done it. They are popping up around the world every year including Europe and they are not asking how it’s going to be done they are just putting them up and are receiving less illegal immigrants because of it.

A border wall cost no more than the billions we send to the Ukraine for people to kill each other.


A heck of a lot less actually.


How much has the US taxpayer paid since January 2021 to feed, clothe, house, transport and provide medical & supervisory care to the 4 (±) million illegal invaders already in this country?
Just curious.


thank you!

how many walls could have been built by now?

but enough about endless foreign wars


i absolutely hope she would declare invasion or whatever she needs to do to protect Ariz

she first has to get elected. at just a few points ahead she’s well within the margin of rig

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I heard she was about 10 pts ahead.

Our esteemed host said it i believe.

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some polls i heard but others it’s closer.

unless it’s a double digit Red blowout it just depends on how much they rig. That’s really all those polls indicate - how many times they need to run the ballots back through or bump up counts in software or whatever ■■■■ scheme they do

anyway dont want to hijack thread


her being so resolute on this i believe has contributed to her appeal. she has a no bs attitude and approach to these issues - voters love that.

makes me jealous of them compared to our democrat idiots and mentally ill degenerates here in PA office

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I doubt it.

I’m sure there can be enough vote suppression to seal the deal.

This is an awesome exchange.

Keep it up!

the flow of fentanyl continues into the country thank you china (one of the many ways that nation is destroying the US)

that alone is good reason for enforce the border. why dont democrats care?

Do you know how most illegal Fentanyl gets into the US? (Hint, it’s not by illegal border crossers)