Kansas will be the next hot spot

Right after you repeal the 1st Amendment.

The same argument could be made to strip us of most of our protected rights. Personally I’m not willing to give up mine, are you?

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Facts don’t matter as long as you are bashing Christians in the name of “democratic principles”.

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No, only when such speech presents a clear and present danger to innocents.

You can’t make that argument here.

Even then, the courts say the curtailments must be the least restrictive means possible to achieve that end and those exceptions are extremely rare.

Anyone practicing decent hygienic standards and taking normal precautions against catching any respiratory virus can mitigate that threat so there is no justification for it.

And churches that hold in-person services are even more so.

Not really, you can do so without putting anyone at any measurable increase risk.

Hold more services, keep numbers low enough so as you ca still have social distancing, gloves, masks, bandannas etc, no problem.

That could work, but that’s not what they’re doing.

Oh come on now Guv you have no idea what the thousands of churches in KS are doing.

Many of those churches don’t have enough members left to violate the 6’ rule even if the whole congregation shows up.

100 to 200 churches a week close in the United States.

Your second statement is quite correct for many churches.

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Actually, thousands of churches have voluntarily closed, and many have moved to live-streaming of their services until this is over.

When I said, “And churches that hold in-person services are even more so,” it was in reference to those that have been highlighted in the media. Pictures from services (or people gathered outside afterward) are not low-number congregations. And we already have reports of scores of congregants having contracted COVID from those gatherings.

Pure irresponsibility. Maybe early examples occurred out of ignorance. Such continued gatherings are purely irresponsible.

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Sums up my thoughts on it.

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Both are absolutely correct.

Unless one has the attendance records of each of those churches they really have no idea what is going on in them.

Especially in rural areas there’s a strange generatonal gap that has dramatically cut attendance.

Most of the young adults left in the sixties through the eighties for opportunities in the cities but have been slowly returning.\

Several of the churches I work with have a large percentage of members over sixty and a much larger membership of kids and in between there is slow growth as many of the 25-40yo’s are just now moving back and raising families.

We don’t see the kinds of mega churches in these areas you see on TV in the large metro areas.

Many of these churches are 60-125yrs old or older built at a time when families were still having 6 or more kids as was common with farm/ranch families at the time and were built therefore for much larger memberships than you have with the modern family of something like 3.6 including both parents on average.

Plenty of room in those churches to spread out.

as far as im concerned if a church has services it whould be cordoned off with the parishioners inside.
drop off MRE’s for them to eat.
dont allow the parishioners out until 2 weeks pass without anyone getting sick.

and once this is over start taxing the churches like any other business.

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The communion wafers don’t fly very well and I doubt Padre can hit my mouth with his wine cannon at 6ft.

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Of course you are.

Such a pillar of civil liberties we should all strive to emulate.

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What he should have done is work with the states rather than play politics and indulge in narcissistic rants about his ratings.

Absent the president and congress getting together to suspend Habeus Corpus he has no authority to force states to act.

The TF, NIH, CDC, and FEMA have been coordinating with the state gov’ts for months.

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Except it is not limited to just those who attend the church services. Other people will be infected by those who attended those church services.

So let’s get this straight. Christians have no rights but dont even think about not baking a cake for homosexuals. Is that about right for the liberal philosophy?


I wouldn’t think that there would be many Catholic churches that would be able to adhere to social distancing for the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday at 3pm based on the usual attendance.

You would have of course zero idea of what the average attendance is of all of the Catholic Churches in the US for Good Friday services.

You can believe what you like given you inserted the USA.