Kamala helps bail out child rapist

This seems pretty antithetical to the most fundemental tenets of our justice system.

I believe everybody is wrongfully accused until they are proven guilty.

If that’s how you personally want to run a bail fund, have at it (methinks you won’t be in business very long).

But you’re arguing like this should be a policy of all bail funds…and such a concept runs completely counter to the presumption of innocence we follow in this country.

The price we pay for this assumption is sometimes bad guys get off.

I’m willing to pay that price and would never agree to move in any direction away from presumption of innocence.

Any “moral” person should feel the same way.

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Indeed, and you are entitled to it.

Paying a strangers bail is not part of our justice system. It is a purely voluntary act on behalf of said strangers.

Who asked you to pay anyone’s bail?

But it is legal.

Nobody is saying it’s illegal.

So what is the objection? Bad optics?

Lol, going to pretend you don’t understand context and start picking nits now? Care to answer the question? Would you personally pay for a rapists bail without any questions?

Bad actions.

Might be too vague.

It’s morally bankrupt to depend on the justice system to decide who is safe to release on bail? It’s morally bankrupt to follow the maxim of innocent until proven guilty?

And on the flip side, would it be morally just for some vigilante to hunt down and execute or imprison people released on bail if they feel the allegations are credible?

No, I would have questions. But those questions that I would ask would not related to guilt or innocence.

Nothing vague about bailing out accused child rapists with no concern for whether they did it. It’s neither vague or morally justifiable.

Because there is no difference between a vigilante and declining to pay someone bail you are under no obligation to pay. Amazing I have to explain this.

So that’s what you meant by ‘bad actions’? Legally bailing out a man for whom a judge set bail?

Of course it is morally justifiable. The presumption of innocence is more than just morally justifiable, it is a moral foundation of our entire system.

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Yes, it’s morally repugnant. At least when there is no effort to discern likely guilt or innocence before. That I even have to spell it out is ridiculous. If he did it, there is a very frightened child victim out there who is now even more terrified. Great job.

My bad, I didn’t mean to distract you with the second paragraph.

It’s morally bankrupt to depend on the justice system to decide who is safe to release on bail? It’s morally bankrupt to follow the maxim of innocent until proven guilty?