Kamala Harris wants to take existing healthcare coverage from over 150 million Americans

Again, congress already has a pretty good plan. Why the hell don’t they simply give the exact same plan, word for word at the same price to everybody? They are seriously over thinking this.

They should. How do they justify anything less?

Why the hell don’t they simply give the exact same plan they have, word for word at the same price to everybody? They are seriously over thinking this.

The answer to that is more than obvious and the same as:.

Do as I say and not what I do!


The commonality with communism and socialism and today’s Democrat Leadership is, the democrat leadership uses its power to confiscate what business and labor has produced, and then they redistribute it in a manner which allows them [the democrat leadership] to live large on the taxpayer’s dime.

How sweet of you to take my words out of context and then respond. The full quote in context is:

"When the Democrat Party Leadership advocates like a communist, lives like a communist, and displays other characteristics which define communists, surely they must be COMMUNISTS.

And, as recently pointed out to you, another characteristic of a communist is “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs” which was added to the list of characteristics by another poster.

The truth cannot be changed to what it is not. The democrat leadership is controlled by communists and socialists.

Now, what do you think about Kamala Harris wanting to take away the private healthcare coverage from over 150 million people?

She wants to end private health insurance and set up a Cuban style communist healthcare system.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ plan for “free” college tuition, and cancelling student loan debt, will be paid for by taxing millions of college graduates who worked for and paid their own way through college and are now trying to finance their own economic needs.

I’m guessing you wouldn’t be so generous with your second kidney…

Since Libs have had control of the public schools for decades, why aren’t they indoctrinating kids with their fitness ideas too? Worked well on every other form of political correctness. Or is food and diet control of the population coming soon? Bring about another form of population control through starvation and deprivation in the name of “fitness.” Yeah, perfect lib tactic…

From wikipedia:

The context was still there, I just responded chunk by chunk.

Copy and pasting the same text over and over again doesn’t make what said correct.

Why won’t you answer those questions?

No, she doesn’t… stop making ■■■■ up. That video doesn’t say that. It says that she wants to end practice of getting your insurance through your employer and she wants to have a public option. Private insurance can still be had like it is with Obamacare. She’s not proposing single payer or nationalizing all of the doctors and hospitals like it is in Cuba.

When have the dietary guidelines ever forced you to eat or not eat something?

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Why does the idea of promoting a healthy diet anger you so much?

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What are you talking about?

And what does it have to do with ice cream?

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This has already been addressed. Pay attention.

Promoting, for example, a ban on eating red meat, by imposing high taxes on the industry, is more than just “promoting”. It is forcing, especially the poorest among us, to avoid the article while the rich can afford it, like Nancy Pelosi, who frolics in her indulgences which others can only dream of.


They are neither “liberals” nor “progressives”. They are conniving Marxist/Communist/Socialist parasites who use government force to steal and then enjoy the property which labor, business and investors have worked to create.

How many commercials do you see every day on TV promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle? How many fitness commercials? How many medical professionals are advocating for poor health? For that matter WHO is promoting Ill health in people?

It’s almost as if you guys can’t think for yourselves or something. Seriously, what more information do you need from whom to make better decisions or live “healthy”?

You don’t know or can’t decide that soft drinks full of sugar aren’t healthy without the government regulating consumption? You don’t know after over 50 years of that little surgeon general warning in every pack of cigarettes that smoking is bad for you?

The problem is that with you libs, “promoting” or “educating” quicky becomes mandating because it angers YOU that adults get to evaluate the available information and then make decisions FOR THEMSELVES on things. Just because Libs are incapable or afraid of making decisions without the permission or assurance from big brother, doesn’t mean the rest of us are.

Why is it that Libs, who chant “PRO CHOICE” are the ones who fight to prevent people from making choices?

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I’m sorry you can’t afford ice cream,



Where did I suggest regulating consumption?


We are talking about the communist/socialist Democrat controlled party leadership wanting to control our dietary consumption.

She wants to ban red meat in the name of global warming.

And this is not a lunatic fringe element which controls the democrat party leadership?

Not only does she want to limit, by government force, our intake of red meat, but she also wants to outlaw the private health insurance plans which 150 million plus Americans now have, and force them into a Cuban style healthcare system controlled and regulated by the iron fist of a lunatic fringe element which controls the Democrat Party’s Leadership.


The walkaway movement is the socialist/communist democrat leadership’s worse nightmare

Hmmmm, the crickets are very telling.

edit - plays now.

No where in this video does she say the government should mandate what we eat.

She says she supports changing the GUIdELINES.

If Biden/Harris wins they will problary ban or limit meat uses.