Kamala Harris proposes building border wall but . . .

I think it’s great.

I also think her record shows with or without a wall

  • every criminal who criminally entered the US will be given a path to legalization and
  • a mass flood of the people who currently are not allowed to immigrate legally will, in the future be allowed, and
  • basically, nothing will change Americans will still take a back seat lose jobs lose wages etc. but we will have a wall and everything that is currently illegal (for good reason) will be made legal.

It’s not true. Even the Trump campaign said so. This is part of the bipartisan border bill that she hopes to get passed.

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Oh the umm “bipartisan” bill that

  • was opposed by all but 3 republicans
  • would legalize all the criminals who recently entered her criminally
  • would write huge checks to sanctuary cities
    that “bipartisan bill?”

It sounds like you and I are in agreement.
She would do all those things and build a wall.
Build a wall and open the flood gates.
Build a wall and give 2 million criminals citizenship and the right to vote.
Build a wall and spend billions on the criminals she just legalized.


Comprehensive immigration reform code for not a damn thing will change.


Doesn’t “reform” imply make thing better?

she is making them worse in exchange for a wall she’d never protect/enforce.
The (ahem) so-called bipartisan immigration bill prohibits the President from closing the border unless there are over 1.8 million illegals per year.

Gee are there any other laws it should be illegal to enforce unless and until they get to catastrophic levels?

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Not only all of that, but the border “shutdown” provision that was so highly touted sunsetted in three years. All that bill did was rubber stamp illegals.


According to an NBC article (that supposedly debunks GOP claims about the “bipartisan” bill)

. . . Under the new immigration bill, the Department of Homeland Security could close the border if too many migrants were showing up with asylum claims. After negotiators conferred with the Border Patrol and officials at the Department of Homeland Security, they crafted the legislation to give DHS the authority to close the border if they reached a seven-day average of 4,000 or more border encounters. A seven-day average of 5,000 or more would mandate a border closure. . . .

So among other things, the current wide open come-one come-all cut the wire and fist-bump criminals policy remains in place unless and until a threshold of 4,000 or 5,000 criminals per day break the law.

5,000/day * 365days = 1,825,000/year

That’s not a wall that’s a welcome mat.


If this is where her head is at today, then she and the left are admitting Trump has been right all along. The left and their ridiculous, "V"irtuous insanity has got to be voted out on November 5th. They have trashed our immigration system and are bankrupting this nation.


I’d like to propose a debate….

Kamala now vs Kamala pre this amazing transition she experienced less than two months ago. (That she refuses to explain because she won’t take questions.)

“Prior to her second run for the presidency (she bowed out in 2020 before the Iowa caucuses), Harris had called the border wall “un-American,” a “stupid waste of money” and Trump’s “medieval vanity project.” Kamala Harris Used to Think Border Wall Was ‘Un-American’

Will the real Kamala please stand up?

(Have you libs figured out what a disgusting phony that woman is yet?)


That stupid “bipartisan border bill” was a terrible piece of legislation.

I’m beyond sick of hearing about it.

It’s good that thing never became law.


If Kommie is just gonna be Trump plus that infamous stupid laugh we might just as well vote for the real thing right!


Heritage says 8,500 per day.

NBC says 4,000 per day triggers a possible border closing, 5,000 per day makes it mandatory.

Basically it freezes our current mess in place legally everything we are trying to prevent.
(Ous spends money.)


…and unnecessary because there are already laws in place that were agreed to by all sides…

Now…enforce the laws.


Funny you use the high number to extrapolate the final total. That is not what is in the bill.

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She’s not going to build any wall.

Just another election year lie on her part.

If she were serious they still have 5 months to go ahead and start building it!

Yeah I assumed the people of Hannityland are intelligent enough to see that and extrapolate on their own,

Should I have done otherwise?


That senate monstrosity would have tied the hands of future presidents and future Congresses who actually want to do something insane like solve the problem.

As long as I’ve been involved in this forum which is 20+ years now (way too long) libs have offered up every way imaginable to just throw this country open to any and everyone who just wants to walk in.

Slapping the hundreds of thousands of people a year who actually become citizens legally in the head, flooding our streets with deadly drugs and homeless illegals, was it California, Oregon, maybe both that just passed laws to give illegals money for homes that that taxpayers providing that money aren’t eligible for.

The Biden Harris administration owns every record for illegal entry into this country….and did nothing other than fight Texas when we tried on our own to slow the flow.

That fact all by itself should disqualify that fraud Harris from ever holding the office she currently seeks.


Libs don’t want to enforce immigration law…

They want you and I to pay for millions of new residents of this country every year.

That’s why the lib democrat party must be defeated.


Along with pay for tons of new freebies for themselves.

Redistribution of wealth from the working class to themselves.

From the working class to the dead beats.


Wouldn’t matter Disturbed guy would continue to claim the number is not in bill. Which is exactly your point.