Kamala Harris is trying to obstruct justice

They will send in several taped episodes of Hannity’s show and Trump chanting lock her up on a loop.

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Donald Trump’s justice department is actively covering up for the crimes of the Clintons and Obamas. The trump administration is either in on the conspiracy or they are being blackmailed. The is no other plausible answer for why the Clintons and Obamas aren’t in jail already.


Reporting is not the same as charging as the op said. My post stands.

Maybe he was simply trying to keep the investigaton on the straight and narrow.

“Corrupt Intent”, IMO, is too subjective and vague to have in a criminal law. True, just my opinion.

In exactly what capacity could Giuliani or Sekulow bring charges? They work for Trump, not for us Americans, though after seeing Barr’s recent performance I can understand your confusion between those roles.

Look at you trying to turn this one around now on people…

Yes it is.

bring a charge against

bring a charge against (someone)

To officially or publicly claim that another person has committed a crime or misdeed.

The OP used the term “bring charges against”. Anyone can claim that a person has committed a crime.

Please, please, please, Rudy Giuliani, Jay Sekulow, etc. please bring obstruction of justice charges against Kamala Harris

God this is some weak made up ■■■■■■■■■

Because you guys have no issue declaring things

I’m charging Hillary Clinton with all kinds of crimes.

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Righties are sooooo UNoriginal.

All they ever do is copy what the left does and try to make it their own. This is just another example.

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Cool cool cool. I am charging Trump with obstruction. This is fun!

Go for it.


So a New York City crook can do anything but it’s Kamala Harris’ fault.

This is not your grandfather’s Republican party.

I haven’t seen reference to the Republican Party anywhere in this thread.
Why fabricate?

Well then…what has come of it?

Why in the ■■■■ should Harris be charged with obstruction? Sweet jesus, where in the world did you get that idea? I know, someone on FOX?

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We have seen that she has spoken out against Barr, just as he mentioned investigating illegal leaks and the historical spying against the Trump campaign. I cannot say that she has committed a crime nor can I exonerate her.

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And how specifically is she doing this?

Not two standards. Two baskets.

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