Kam-olicy The list so far

The middle class benefitted from trickledown in a few ways, one was expanded employment. To believe the middle class did not benefit, you either have to deny the effect on wages of expanding employment or not consider expanding employment a factor at all.

They’re just parroting what they were told.

Setting prices never worked and lazy asses that won’t research the outcomes of goobermint price setting need to shut their pie holes.
Price setting causes unintended consequences like, shortages, hoarding, theft and black marketing.
Harris’ schtick of “lowering prices on day 1” has zero credibility. The dumbass has been the 2nd in charge of the country for 3 3/4 years and now we’re to believe she will do something?
But alas, the morons will.


I feeeeeeeeel like my tofu costs me too much!

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It’s not my problem right?

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It’s like everyone forgets about what it was like to go grocery shopping in the Soviet Union back in the day.

Even the bloody communists in China stopped doing price fixing because of all the problems it always caused.


The headline says it is, so you have to believe it. The internet says so.

People including the “intelligentsia” believed the earth was flat until a coupla guys went out and found out otherwise. :woozy_face:

Bon jour

“it gained currency in the 19th century, thanks to inaccurate histories such as John William Draper’s History of the Conflict Between Religion and Science (1874) and Andrew Dickson White’s A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896). Atheists and agnostics championed the conflict thesis for their own purposes, but historical research gradually demonstrated that Draper and White had propagated more fantasy than fact in their efforts to prove that science and religion are locked in eternal conflict.”

The Church has been a primary promoter of Science for many centuries. (Ditto of arts, literature, libraries, universities.) Many of the famous names in Science history are clergy, from Mendel’s studies on heredity to Lemaître Big Bang.

It’s an important iconoclastic narrative for some to promote the idea that Christian Theology is anti-science.

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Heck the first person to postulate the modern Big Bang Theory was a Catholic priest.

Oh yeah you mentioned him. I totally forgot his name. I just know he was Belgian.

You aren’t taking into account this will be inflationary. It will not only inflate housing prices, but everything else. Inflation is destroying a lot of prosperity right now. But hey, let’s make it worse!

Making things worse is of no consequence to Dimbulbcrats. Giving the faux notion of “getting something for free” in exchange for votes? Now you’re appealing to the suckers.

Over a typical 30 year mortgage that’s a savings of approx. $43k.
But why should the taxpayers spot you $25,000?
Why don’t you kick in an extra $25k on your down payment? Or are you suggesting that would be THE down payment?
This massive goobermint give away will also drive up inflation. You are aware of that correct? It will again give cause for the Fed to either increase interest rates or freeze them to prevent a 10% recession standard from happening. In which case your opportunity to refinance your bloated mortgage payments will be slim to none.
Real estate values in California are nearly twice as ridiculous as here in South Florida. Our home value has nearly doubled in 14 years. We could sell but where would we go? Inventory is slim and we like it where we are. I’d like to sell and go to the NC Smokies but the wife ain’t hearing it.
Happy wife happy life :sunglasses:

Oh boy, yip yip and yahoo Kam is Koming to Palm Beach with that “abortion for all anytime anywhere” joyful bus.

Hope they’re not disappointed in the turnout.
So from Palm Beach to the next stop will Kam be riding on that bus?

The real question is… will Tim?

kamala has already taken away the 25K downpayment assistance. You will now have to pay the 25K out of pocket and it will be a tax credit. Which I’m fine with, so long as it’s not a refundable tax credit.