Justin Timberlake and Hollywood?

I am defending the rights of all. It’s not a pick and choose thing, either we all have the same rights or we are all at risk of losing them all.

Strange, we don’t elect the police.

Do you think terrorists have a right to bail out terrorists and push fake news solely to hurt America and the people?

These people are morons. They could use their money to help people who’s businesses were firebombed. Re build inner city economy and help everyone. Instead they have chosen to support the arsonists. Right now, Hollywood who is supposed to be peaceful, is promoting violence against innocent people. They Suck!

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As I already explained, the designation that was unofficially given them of terrorist organization is NOT a legal designation, it is nothing more than a tweet from Trump. There is no such legislation, so legally, it is meaningless and they remain either American citizens or visiting foreigners. Either way they are afforded the same rights as you or I FROM A LEGAL STANDPOINT. Therefore no laws were broken bailing the idiots out does not in any way break any laws. I think citizens have the right to bail out citizens and until they are convicted of a crime, they are upstanding citizens in the eyes of the law. If you can’t understand that, I better just keep my opinion to myself. You can call them terrorists all day long but it doesn’t mean ■■■■ in the eyes of the law.

If Trump had half a brain he would work towards getting them designated a continuing criminal enterprise. THAT has some teeth to it.

Ba dum dum tsh🥁

I think most of them are pedophile devil worshiping canables.

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Why are you ignoring the pain and suffering caused by bailing out these terrorists?

I’m not, they belong in prison. Throw away the damn key. But do it legally. Until they are convicted they have the same rights as me. I’d say the same about a neonazi criminal or any other group I despise. Have you read and tried to understand our constitution?

They were bailed out meaning they have not faced the judge for the crimes they committed there for allowing them another night of terror on the American people.

Luv this post in multiple ways.

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It also means they are still required to go to court and be adjudicated for the crimes they are accused of. They will have their day in court. If they don’t show up they forfeit their bail money and become fugitives.

How did Obama designate them? How would Biden?

And they obviously don’t shower either. :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

So I’m right, Timberlake and Hollywood gave them another night of terror on the American people.

Do you want to party with them or something?

Don’t know, their not POTUS trump is.

Don’t know don’t care. I never supported either one of them.

Did they go out and commit more crimes?

Their was more riots were there not?