Justice Ginsburg hospitalized

In your opinion

Just the facts.

Are these “alternative facts”?


Good try but sorry mate huge fail.

Peace and love

No failure on my part.

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Justice Ginsburg is back in the hospital.

I saw this earlier.

I really hope she’s okay.

She’s a tough old lady.


She should go home and be with her loved ones.

Dang, time to call it a career , perhaps ?

Sure, McConnell will wait till the election till he proceeds with the replacement senate vote ?

I don’t think she is going to retire over a bile stent revision.


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I hope she recovers. She seems like a nice lady. But if she does not, I would certainly confirm a new justice before the election. The democrats played dirty for three years with their Russia hoax. I have no problem with the republicans playing dirty in return.

Then you will get to sit by and watch the court expanded to 15 justices after the election. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

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I dont think she can be replaced just because her conditions worsens.

And then fifty the next time a republican gets elected. Barring a civil war caused by court packed justices trying a gun grab. If you are looking for stupid prizes by all means pack the court.

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Get the hell out of here with your civil war dreams. McConnell decided to change the game in 2016. To reverse course this year is just asking for a packed court system.

It’s disgusting that Republicans can change the rules, but if Democrats retaliate, you guys threaten civil war like this is some abusive relationship.


No rule change took place, a President is entitled to a nomination, not a confirmation.

Spoken like a true Trump supporter.

Just so I understand you supported not filling the SC Position in Obamas last year but you fully support filling any vacancy during Trumps last year of his administration?

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Looks like the dems are attempting a civil war. Have you watched the riots around the country?


Its diffeRent now, dontcha know.