Justice Alito flew an upside down flag as he

was he supposed to lie?

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The Supreme Court is the Democrats weak link in their policy of weaponization of the justice system. That’s why many immediately wanted to pack the court in 2021.
Perhaps that might be reconsidered by Republicans in 2025.


Someone above intimated that this was untrue. And it does stink to blame his wife. Know who else is doing that? Menendez.

A judge making a political protest about an election he is about to rule on is a conflict of interest.

There is a difference between blaming and explaining. There is a difference between a newspaper reporting an issue and creating one.

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and if he did not know it was done and she did exactly as he said… is he supposed to lie? Do you have a reason to believe its not true?

good thing that has not happened

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…and how do you know why he or she is flying the flag upside down? Could it be to protest the weaponization of our judicial system that so blatant right now…starting at the very top of the executive branch? Is Joe honoring the SCOTUS decision regarding the forgiveness of student loans?


The desperation stinks. This week has been rough on the libs. Look at all they’ve had to (D)efend. :rofl:


Then consider protestors outside a SCOTUS Justice’s house…and it was ILLEGALLY ALLOWED! Did any lib here in Hannity Land complain?

…but this flying a flag upside down is baaa, baaa, baaad.

Once again, the liberal, hypocritical two-tier system of justice on display.




Why is this in the news…now?

The distress signal—used at the time by some supporters of former President Donald Trump to contest the election results—was spotted on Alito’s lawn in Alexandria, Virginia, on January 17, 2021, The New York Times reported Thursday. In an email to the newspaper, Alito denied any involvement in flying the flag upside-down, claiming his wife, Martha-Ann, was solely responsible, the Times stated.

Oh yeah…libs are losing an election and the media has been weaponized for establishment, political purposes.


Stephen King made a comment on Twitter yesterday, and the media are pumping it.

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Some court cases are coming up and the left is trying to strong arm the SCOTUS again. Totally not (D)omestic terrorism to harass them at their homes and such, so this should be fine. :wink:


Yep. After I read this thread, I opened the news and that was the front page. This is the perfect example of the sheoplization I constantly attempt to spotlight. Now just consider who started this thread and I rest my case. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Not sure what the big deal is here. I know there is an entite flag etiquette to follow but arent you free to fly the flag on your own property any way you like?

As a Supreme Court Justice? That’s a real conflict of interest. Luckily it wasn’t him; it was his wife.

I am meh about this.

Alito is a right wing weirdo… this just confirms what we already know.

Getting all up in arms about it is a distraction


Yes, but if you’re bored and have no life, now is the perfect opportunity to start talking ■■■■ on Alito’s marriage. :wink:


…and BAM. Here’s another. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass: