Just don't call it open borders

Let’s take a look at how Biden’s open border policies are working to coordinate many sources in order to maximize his law breaking, traitorous activities. This great Sheriff Grady Judd set up a sting operation and what he found is absolutely horrendous in it’s condemnation of the Biden Administration. Seriously…how can anybody support this piece of ■■■■ ? How can your hate of Trump exceed this? How?


Unfortunately there’s many people that honestly believe these lib politicians actually give two ■■■■■ about them or their family. All they care about is power and finding easy votes.


…and making money is a corrupt way.

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Who represents the minority of those on the left.

Did it ever occur to anyone that their politics and policies are so revolting the only way to win an election is by importing people who will be dependent on the government?

Illegals are counted in the Census (which they shouldn’t be, IMO). The number of representatives are alloted via those census numbers which is a fixed number.


Good question! Could be we will never know how many actually vote in a manner to close the border, if their vote is not counted, or open border votes are manufactured during the vote count.

BTW, I see our Border Czar, Harris, will be visiting an abortion clinic instead of the border. I wonder why.


It is absolutely beyond human comprehension that the Democrat Party Leadership celebrates abortion, as they do an open border. Do not both bring death to the United States?

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I don’t think Democrat controlled states would be looking to count illegal entrant foreign nationals in the census if our Constitution’s Great Compromise was honored and enforce .

"Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States . . . " and, “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.”

The basic idea was . . . Representation with a proportional financial obligation if and when any direct tax was to be laid!

Imagine if each state had to pay a proportional amount of tax equal to its illegal entrant foreign national population? Do you think Democrats would vote to count illegal entrant foreign nationals in the Census?

With regard to taxation, and in particular direct taxation and apportionment, the Founder’s principal behind the requirement of apportioning direct taxes is as valid today as when the rule was put into our Constitution ___ it prevents government force being used to impose unequal taxation whenever a direct tax is used. And by tying the rule of apportionment to both direct taxation and representation, a barrier is erected preventing the states from misrepresenting the size of their population in order to enlarge their representation in Congress as explain by Hamilton:

“. . . it is of great importance that the States should feel as little bias as possible, to swell or to reduce the amount of their numbers. Were their share of representation alone to be governed by this rule, they would have an interest in exaggerating their inhabitants. Were the rule to decide their share of taxation alone, a contrary temptation would prevail. By extending the rule to both objects, the States will have opposite interests, which will control and balance each other, and produce the requisite impartiality.” ___ FEDERALIST NO. 54

Also see:

Pinckney addressing the S.C. ratification convention with regard to the rule of apportionment says:

“With regard to the general government imposing internal taxes upon us, he contended that it was absolutely necessary they should have such a power: requisitions had been in vain tried every year since the ratification of the old Confederation, and not a single state had paid the quota required of her. The general government could not abuse this power, and favor one state and oppress another, as each state was to be taxed only in proportion to its representation.” 4 Elliot‘s, S.C., 305-6

And then see:
“The proportion of taxes are fixed by the number of inhabitants, and not regulated by the extent of the territory, or fertility of soil”3 Elliot’s, 243,“Each state will know, from its population, its proportion of any general tax” 3 Elliot’s, 244 ___ Mr. George Nicholas, during the ratification debates of our Constitution.

Mr. Madison goes on to remark about Congress’s “general power of taxation” that, "they will be limited to fix the proportion of each State, and they must raise it in the most convenient and satisfactory manner to the public."3 Elliot, 255

And if there is any confusion about the rule of apportionment intentionally designed to insure that the people of each state are to be taxed proportionately equal to their representation in Congress, Mr. PENDLETON says:

“The apportionment of representation and taxation by the same scale is just; it removes the objection, that, while Virginia paid one sixth part of the expenses of the Union, she had no more weight in public counsels than Delaware, which paid but a very small portion”3 Elliot’s 41

The problem is, our Republican Party Leadership embraces and defends the rule of apportionment being applied to representation, but not to “direct taxation”. keep in mind there has never been an alteration to our Constitution repealing the requirement that “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.”

BTW, here are the two formulas for apportionment:

State`s Population

_________________X House membership (435) = State`s No.of Reps

population of U.S.


State`s population


Total U.S. Population


If, by calling a tax indirect when it is essentially direct, the rule of protection [apportionment] could be frittered away, one of the great landmarks defining the boundary between the nation and the states of which it is composed, would have disappeared, and with it one of the bulwarks of private rights and private property. POLLOCK v. FARMERS’ LOAN & TRUST CO., 157 U.S. 429 (1895) JUSTICE FULLER


Illegals in the census and the attorney general says he wants to fight voter id laws.

These people are transparently corrupt.

Democrats need to be defeated.


There is no question in my mind that the current radical/authoritarian Democrat Party Leadership needs to be defeated. They are working to destroy America from within.


It is absolutely beyond human comprehension that the Democrat Party Leadership celebrates unregulated abortion, as they do an open border. Do not both bring death to the United States?


They are working to destroy America liberalism from within.


Que? Que dice? What? What he say?

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Kind of ironic…so-called liberals being used to kill liberalism.


How could ANYONE…fight voter ID laws for any reason that is not corrupt?


Nothing new here. Democrats have a history of wanting to count non-citizens for purposes of gaining Representatives … even from before they called themselves Democrats.

Maybe we can revive that 3/5 compromise thing. :thinking:


Unfortunately we have a spineless Republican Party Leadership in Congress, and a wimpy “conservative” media, both of whom refuse to expound upon The Great Compromise which made the adoption of our Constitution possible and would, if enforced today, help to discourage the Democrat Leadership from flooding our country with illegal entrant foreign nationals to replace citizens who are fleeing oppressive Democrat controlled states which in turn is needed to maintain their number of Democrat Representatives in Congress.

Hamilton was spot on when warning that . . . “. . . it is of great importance that the States should feel as little bias as possible, to swell or to reduce the amount of their numbers. Were their share of representation alone to be governed by this rule [the rule of apportionment], they would have an interest in exaggerating their inhabitants. Were the rule to decide their share of taxation alone, a contrary temptation would prevail. By extending the rule to both objects, the States will have opposite interests, which will control and balance each other, and produce the requisite impartiality.” ___ FEDERALIST NO. 54

If our current Republican Leadership in the House were actually sincere in their opposition to the Democrat Leadership, they would lay a direct apportioned tax to extinguish last year’s deficit spending, which is basically what our Founders intended.

Imagine the shock New York’s communist controlled legislature would feel if their Congressional Delegation retuned home with a bill in hand for New York to pay out of its State’s Treasury, an apportioned share to extinguish Congress’ 2023 deficit spending spree. The question is, would they still brag about being a sanctuary state for illegal entrant foreign nationals, and use them to swell their state’s census numbers?



Great question. You and I both know lefties have been doing exactly that for a very long time.


3 and a half women.
Love the picture. :face_with_diagonal_mouth: :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

This above is so important.
I always said I blame the Republicans for LETTING Democrats get away with all these schemes and twists and turns they do to keep themself in power.
We DO have a spineless people in Congress.
And half ass Republicans in Senate too.
Spineless Republicans…yes…THAT’s the problem.

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What happened to the Young Turks woman? She wake up?

These people are retarded.


You are absolutely correct with regard to the importance of our Constitution’s rule of apportionment. Not only does it determine each state’s number of representatives by a fixed rule, but also determines the much-talked-about “fair share” of a tax when a federal tax is laid directly upon the people. And that “fair share” under the rule of apportionment turns out to be an equal share for each and every taxpayer, when Congress resorts to taxing the people directly.

I might add, our Founders also intended the rule of apportionment to be used to balance the budget, when and if a shortfall was experienced in meeting Congress’ expenditures from imposts, duties and excise taxes [indirect taxation]. This is confirmed by reading a number of the State ratification, e.g., see: Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New Hampshire; June 21, 1788

Fourthly That Congress do not lay direct Taxes but when the money arising from Impost, Excise and their other resources are insufficient for the Publick Exigencies; nor then, untill Congress shall have first made a Requisition upon the States, to Assess, Levy, & pay their respective proportions, of such requisitions agreeably to the Census fixed in the said Constitution in such way & manner as the Legislature of the State shall think best and in such Case if any State shall neglect, then Congress may Assess & Levy such States proportion together with the Interest thereon at the rate of six per Cent per Annum from the Time of payment prescribed in such requisition-

So, once again all this talk about balancing the budget coming from so-called “conservative” Republicans is pure poppycock when considering they refuse to follow our founder’s solution to balancing the budget with an annual direct tax if a shortfall has been created.

And why do they refuse to follow our founder’s method to balance the annual budget? It creates a very real moment of accountability when each State’s Congressional Delegation would have to return home with a bill in hand for their state’s Governor and Legislatures to pay, and would be called upon to explain all the wasteful and unconstitutional expenditures they have engaged, which created the deficit while frolicking it up in Washington, D.C.

Yes, indeed, the rule of apportionment is very important in controlling the actions of Congress, and that may be why there is an understood agreement among our Congress critters, Republicans and Democrats, to ignore the rule and pretend it does not exist.

In any event, if the rule of apportionment were adhered to and enforced, it seems highly unlikely that communist controlled states like New York and California would be welcoming an invasion of foreign nationals in order to increase their number of Representatives in Congress, as doing so would also increase their fair share of any direct tax.

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