Just A Fair Process

false sense of security, thinking stocks are safe and financial records are reliable.

it was your capitalistic greed that made you buy the stock.

greedy pig you are.

I don’t think that you have thought this through.

oh yes, you bought the stock to make money, greed.

Jezcoe is greedy. :wink:

I am a fan of Capitalism… I am just not a cultist about it.

then you should post like it.

I do.

The thing is that anything that hints as pointing out the inadequacies in the Capitalist system is seen as a commie attack on it instead of a real world criticism.

Having market based solutions work for a lot of things. It doesn’t work for all things.

A well managed capitalist economy will provide social mobility. A lassez faire system will be akin to fuedalism.

It is about areas of grey, not black and white.

Oh… and a lot of bankers should be in jail… let’s start with Wells Fargo.

the market manages the economy better than anything else, all bad comes from government.

any other opinion should be banned.

Well. That’s just kinda dumb.

Have fun being a contrarian for contrarian sake

Uncle Jezcoe, I got banned for using the word stupid, you need to be careful.

but then tell me a planned economy that has ever worked well.

Why would I argue in favor of something I don’t support.

Because U r a contrarian.

I take it you think there is a difference between a managed economy like WW2 and a planned economy, like WW2.

You cannot manage an economy as Nixon learned in price controls

you cannot regulate out corruption as you learned with Enron.

You can only encourage competition.

Should FoxNews be required to be fair?

Should Sean Hannity be required to put real leftist voices on his program and let them speak without interruption as opposed to the milquetoast liberals he finds and then micromanages the conversations with them?

What do they teach about civics on the schools these days? My GOD I have never seen such misunderstanding over free speech and what it is as I have seen on these forums the past few weeks.

The OP reminds of when Howard Stern had a forum, yes, the Stern, who spent his entire career loudly complaining about censorship. It started out un-modded, that lasted two or three weeks until he started banning people who were saying things he didn’t like. He was especially livid about people calling his girlfriend names lol, after he spent decades calling people names and saying how unfair it was that anyone could censor him.

If only it were just du.

The thing is that I am at least making an attempt to not make braid and sweeping generalizations like a contrarian would.

But let us hear what you would do?

How would you “encourage competition?”

Fox is fair and balanced as they should be. But it is not news.

Mentally all liberals are milquetoast.

Free speech does not pertain to content, it pertains to access.

Yesterday, I started a thread about the FBI investigating the democrats, it was merged into the Kavanaugh thread. but it was not about the judge. it was about knowing pushing a false narrative for political gain.

I would shrink government and spending, lessen regulations, remove all tariffs, lower corporate taxes, stop sheltering polluters form lawsuits, encourage start ups by removing barriers to market entry. Apply laws uniformly,

change campaign finance laws and require full disclosure, not allow politicians to invest in any companies impacted by their legislative positions. Unless of course it was Trump :wink:

In no world does “free speech” pertain to access.

That is simply wrong on it’s face.

Let’s take the first part.

What in government would you shrink and how much?

Not everyone has access to FoxNews or Sean’s radio show.

Else Sean Hannity would not be allowed to use call screeners.

Ever wonder why you don’t hear a bigger balance of ideas from callers calling into Sean’s show?

Because he screens out all but his supporters and also a smattering of those opposing voices he feels he can control via how he allows them to speak.

As is his right…it’s his show.