Jussie “Hoaxmaster” Smollet Call Your Office

Yes. A subject matter expert


A hangman’s noose has the same meaning no matter what race it in front of.

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Well, that proves it. Racism doesn’t exist.


And NASCAR drivers were solidly behind him.

It showed there is zero tolerance for that. And the outcome did not change how drivers feel about it.


Wow, now you are wishing violence on people?

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Finding a “noose” by a black man is so rare, 15 FBI agents had to check it out. Why doesn’t that happen every day if we are so racist?

You said it as credible he knew it was false.

So yes you were insinuating the odds were high he knew.

You also outright compared him to Jussi Smollett.

And of course you’re outraged.

It’s plain to see.

This thread wouldn’t exist otherwise.

The FBI overkill was a combo of the high profile nature of the case and the current social climate around black lives matter.

Also, you jest but this kind of thing happens more than people think.

It’s completely out of proportion.

Argumentum ad populum

90 career races with 6 top ten finishes.

He’ll get smoked more times than not.

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I’m offended by the fact a NASCAR race team doesn’t know what a ■■■■■■■ garage door pull looks like. How may other items do they need pointed out to them in order to identify what they are? :joy:

There is a reason there was never a picture shown at the time of the story. They would have all been laughed off the track. Wasn’t his top notch crew there for a week before the race and it took them until the day before to suddenly see the garage door pull? How did they close the door all those times? Magic?


The loops will have to be replaced with metal or plastic rings to avoid confusion in the future. :wink:

Which shot the “NASCAR fans are racist” meme down in flames.

It was a lie.

Then I’m offended on your behalf.

I suspect this sort of represents the crest of the wave of the current hysteria. As with the witch trials of the past, people will begin to look at what is being done and start to reflect “what have we been thinking”?

Like the Smollet Hoax this actually hurts the cause making it even harder or people to believe the truth the next time there is an actual hate crime.

This is nothing like the Smollet thing so far.