Judge Amy Barrett's Confirmation

Why is it an absurd reply?

He’s the one who stated it was “urgent” this seat get filled now because of the possibility of a 4-4 split on important issues…like a contested election.

This was the exact same situation in 2016…including the potential for a contested election…so why wasn’t it urgent then?

I second that.

And the nominee behavior is so far quite poised and attentive.

Also saw how one of the Senators about to question her asked for the good judge to hold up for the camera the note pad on her table. To at least my surprise, nothing at all to see was handwritten of hers on at least the cover page of the pad. She went on to comment just a printed US Senate label is all that currently appeared on it.

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Great answer on felon’s rights.

Durbin is showing his slip. He wants to classify all felons the same?

Blanket loss of rights?

1 out of 3 re-commit, so the other 2 should lose their rights

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Collective rights and loss of same.

Voting is different 'cause George Floyd.

Durbin obviously wants to grab guns any way he can.

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“Law is hard!” :rofl:

Illinois having some of the strictest gun laws in the country.

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It’s ok for sure enough criminals to have them of course. :wink:

Not so much for regular folks.

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Yeah Durbin, you did say that.

Criminals with guns and felons having votings rights.
Durbin’s great state of Illinois? :crazy_face:

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Good - individual due process before liberty taken away. 14th.

The law is not your intentions in your mind. :+1:

Durbin wants to debate ACB about the constitution? REALLY???

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Durbin is not good. You’d think he would be, JD from Georgetown.

Durbin is a real piece of work. Shudder to think of what Crazy Maisie will say.

It’s pretty entertaining to see the democrats as lowly politicians meeting a person with actual principles. Their attempts to get her to waiver from her past written word, hits her wall of truth and fidelity, Of course they are having a hard time understanding.

It’s strange how they set up a “point”, she answers and they never make the point.

They must be planning to circle back around in soundbites. “SEE! WE FREAKIN’ TOLD YOU!”