JOE NO! Biden Appears to Forget Kamala Harris Was Ever Elected to US Senate

Originally published at: JOE NO! Biden Appears to Forget Kamala Harris Was Ever Elected to US Senate | Sean Hannity

Former Vice President Joe Biden continued his gaffe-laden campaign during Wednesday night’s Democratic Debate; apparently forgetting Kamala Harris -who was on stage- was ever elected to the United States Senate.

“I’m part of that Obama coalition. I come out of a black community in terms of my support,” said Biden. “If you notice I have more people supporting me in the black community that have announced for me, because they know me, they know who I am. Three former chairs of the [Congressional] Black Caucus, the only African-American woman that had ever been elected to the Senate a whole range of people …”

“No, that’s not true, the other one is here,” fired-back Harris.

“I said the first, I said the first,” deflected Biden.

Watch Biden’s major gaffe above.